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We entered the classy home and the cool air conditioning hit against my skin almost immediately. Dee wrapped his arm around me and rubbed; trying to warm me up.

His mother lead us to the living room that held a black couch and loveseat, with a giant recliner facing directly towards the television. We all took a seat; Dee and I sat on the loveseat while his mother got comfortable in the recliner.

I glanced at the flat screen television that sat on the entertainment stand showing pictures of the Young and the Restless. I thought that show wasn't airing anymore.

The house was lovely, very homey. There were pictures sitting on tables and hanging on walls of their family portraits, outings, and Dee and his brothers as kids. He was so adorable with his pretty brown eyes glistening from the camera. His brothers were handsome as well. They all favored each other a lot.

"So, this is why you haven't been home lately? Because you've been messing around with Ms. Thang?" his mother began, eyeing me with a smirk on her face, yet directing her question right to her son. I kept my composure. As nervous as I thought I would be, the first sentence out of this woman's mouth assured me that there was no need. She acted just like any other out of place female I've come into contact with. Therefore, I wasn't bothered by it.

"Ma, I'm grown. I can go wherever and stay with whoever I choose. I told you that and my woman's name is Nina, so have respect for my lady." Dee spoke up. His mother huffed and rolled her eyes as if she were aggravated. "Look son, you just ain't been home and I don't need these girls out here trying to have your baby or something. I'm not raising no grandkids." she said with full attitude. "I told you that you could come over to your mama house anytime you wanted to, but this time, you bring over some fast hoochie mama girl from the streets." I then cleared my throat and put on a smile.

"Ms. Rashierd, I think you ought to watch your mouth. I don't appreciate the way you are speaking about me to your son and I don't appreciate the way you are speaking towards him. I'm not some fast hoochie mama from the streets, I'm from LA, but you wouldn't know that because you're too busy downshaming your son and I. So I suggest you come with a more pleasant attitude because I refuse to display any disrespect in your household and you are really provoking that out of me."

Dee's eyes widened in astonishment. His mother just sat there speechless, still mugging me. I refused to be spoken to any kind of way, regardless of your authority position. I felt as though everyone deserves respect and I wasn't going to be given any less.

Dee's mother blinked her eyes quickly and sat forward in her chair; lying her hand over her chest. "Well, let me just grab my pearls," she began with a small smile expanding across her face. "You just put me in my place. I like you, Nina. Most girls just let me run my mouth about them and don't have the confidence to stand up for themselves. But you're different baby girl, you got a great mind." I was completely caught off guard. I heard Dee snicker next to me and I shoved him. "You knew this was going to happen?" I asked him, trying to refrain from laughing. "Duh, I brought a lot of girls home. I told you that, my mama always tripping like that."

I laughed and folded my arms. "Oh my gosh, wait til we leave. Just wait." I said, looking at him. He smiled and leaned towards me, kissing on my lips.

"Nina, you can call me Sanni." Dee's mother spoke up. "Thank you."

The rest of the meeting flowed smoothly. She found everything I had to say amusing and interesting. Dee even managed to slip into the conversation and tell her that we were thinking of moving in together. That was something he didn't even ask about. He just.. Said.
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