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[Isa's Pov]
So today is Friday. Finally I woke up its about 6:00am and I got up and showered and changed.

 Finally I woke up its about 6:00am and I got up and showered and changed

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I put some makeup on and straightened my hair

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I put some makeup on and straightened my hair. I got my phone and walked down stairs. I ate some cereal and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. After I put a mint in my mouth I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs.

 After I put a mint in my mouth I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs

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I went and gave my mom a hug and kiss on the Cheek. "Bye mom" bye sweetie I love you" "love you to" I am so excited because Andy is coming home with me. So I walked to the bus stop and I didn't see Andy. So I waiting when I heard someone whisper in my ear "boo!" I jumped and turned around and it was Andy. I hugged him. "Did you get the note?" "Of course" so we saw the bus and hopped on. We sit together so I usually sit by the window. Some people thought we were together but we're not. I wish though. I plugged my earphones into my phone and listened to music. I went on Instagram and saw a picture that Andy took just now. It was of me. I laughed. "What?" "You know what" "no?" "The pic?" "Oh that haha" I smiled. The bus driver tried to freeze us to death so I started shivering. Andy handed me his sweat shirt. Yes I love this one it smells like his expensive cologne. I put it on and looked at Andy and he had a leather jacket on. Damn he is hot. I looked out the window and went on Twitter and I saw a post that Andy posted. "Sitting here with my beautiful best friend❤️😻😆" I felt my cheeks get red. I could hear Andy snicker. I turned so my feet were on Andy. He is used to it and we just played on our phones. It's a good thing I shaved my legs the night before because Andy started rubbing my leg he looked at me "how are your legs so soft?" "it's called lotion Andy and I shave" I smiled. We got to school and it was time to go in.
{skipping till they get home}
[Isa's pov]
We got to my house and we went straight to my bed room. He sat down and I laid on my bed. "Hey Isa?" "Yes?" "How are you so beautiful?" "Ha you're funny I'm like the ugly duckling" " no you're not" "I really am though" "no I look like a fucking donkey" "no you don't I understand why girls don't fall when you walk by" I didn't understand what I said until I said it. I looked at Andy and he smiled. I got up off my bed to go down stairs but Andy stood in front of the door. "Andy move.." "No" "why?" "because of what you said I could see in your eyes that you didn't mean to say that" I backed up standing against the wall. I saw Andy walk over toward me this so my chance. So I tried to get past Andy but he grabbed my waist. And pushed me against the wall and kissed me. My mom walked in. She looked at me and winked "don't do anything in a bad manor ok" "mom I'm 14 I'm not thinking about sex ok" "hey you said it not me" and she walked out. Andy started pacing around the room. "Andy what's wrong?" "I shouldn't of done that" "why?didn't you want to?" "Yes but.." "But what?" "I-i have a girlfriend" "WHAT!" "JJ I'm sorry" "and you didn't tell me.." "I'm sorry" "who is it?!" "scarlet" "THE CHEERLEADER WHO BROKE YOUR HEART ALREADY?!" "yes......" "I walked out and Andy came down the stairs to. "WHY DIDNT YOU PICK ME ANDY CANT YOU SEE IM CRAZY OVER YOU?! ASK MY MOM I TALK ABOUT YOU ALL THE TIME COULDENT YOU SEE THAT I LIKED YOU?! SORRY BAD CONTEXT COULDENT YOU SEE THAT I LOVE YOU?!" Andy looked shocked. "JJ I never thought you would like me like that" "well obviously if I didn't I wouldent of kissed you back!" he didn't say anything. "well I guess love is blind" I ran upstairs and Andy ran after me and I Locked the door behind me and I started to cry. I can't believe I blurted out all of my feelings for Andy. It was about 2 hours later when I finally opened the door and my eyes were red and puffy. Andy was still standing there and I went to go past him when he pushed me against the wall and hugged me tight. I felt really bad that I yelled at him. I wanted us to be more. But I knew scarlet wouldn't let that happen. I stopped hugging him and I walked down the stairs. It was 1:00am!!!! Nobody was awake but me and Andy. I got a glass of water and I saw Andy come in the kitchen then his phone went off. He rolled his eyes and answered. "Hey babe" "hanging with JJ" "yes at 1 am" "when did you own me?" "I can hang out with who I want" "don't you even dare talk about her" his face went from gentle to murderer. He raised his voice. "No you listen scarlet you don't even talk about JJ she has been there for me since  2nd grade ok and your not gonna tell me what to do last time I checked you aren't my mom" "fine I guess we are over I won't lose sleep over it and just letting you know I kissed JJ" and he hung up and blocked her. I walked over and hugged him. "I'm sorry Andy" "no it's not your fault" OMG he is so cute. He was really cold practically shivering I told him to sit on the couch and I would be back. I washed my blanket so I could use it tonight and it just got done drying. I took it down stairs and it was hot. I threw it at Andy and he wrapped it around himself I laughed. It pitch black. I took Andy's batman blanket and put it over me and I got comfortable. "JJ?" "Yes?" "Why?" "Why what?" "Why did you stick around?" "What do you mean?" "Why are we best friends?" I hated that that's what he thought of "us". "Because I knew there was something that caught my eye" "what caught your eye?" "Well your beautiful blue orbs that you call eyes and your smile" he smiled that smile that I love so much. I just stared into space until I felt a pair of soft lips touch mine. I realized it was just Andy. I kissed him back and then there was knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole and it was my DAD!!! He was drunk out of his mind. I grabbed all of our things and took them upstairs and when I came back my dad was in Andy's face. I pushed my dad "don't get in his face" "what are you gonna do about it?!" I stepped back pushing Andy back Alittle too. "I-I will stab you. I grabbed Andy's hand and pulled him into the kitchen and I grabbed the biggest knife we had. And I raised it. "Where is your mother journey" "I-I don't know she left and hasent come back. No one has heard my real name. He left. my mom Actually walked out. And hasent come back. I dropped the knife.

Best friend or more(andybiersack love story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu