The Search is On

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My eyes were greeted by the sight of a vicious blood bath. My dad was laying in a pool of blood, his I.V. was ripped out of his arm so harshly that his vain was pulled out with it, his neck was cut just below his chin from ear to ear, one other man was dead as well.

     I reached behind my back searching for the door knob unable to turn my head from the scene. I backed out slowly and ran into an officer. He wrapped his arms around me trying to comfort me. I placed my hands over my mouth, my eyes began to swell with tears, but  I still couldn't look away from the room.

"Come on sweetie, we have to get you out of here."

     Jessie said as she grabbed my hand to lead me away.

     We walked back to her place, and the whole way I never blinked or spoke a word. The sight was to much. Jessie sat me down on the dock, then took a seat beside me.

     She sat there with me watching the sun disappear into the water in the disance. Just like my parents and I had when we heard the news about mom having cancer. Neither of us saying anything. It felt like I was back home sitting at the waterfront. I tryed to invision myself sitting on the bench back home with my favorite book in hand staring at the sunset, but I couldn't.

I whispered.

"I didn't hear you hun. What did you say?"


"I don't know."

"Now both of my parents are gone. What am I going to do?"

"You can stay here with me if you want to."


      I felt the rage begin to set in.

"Come on, lets get you into bed so you can rest. You look like you could use it." Jessie said helping me up.

"Rest." I repeated.

"Yes rest, we can figure things out later."

"Rest, later."

     I couldn't form any sentences, my brain shut down, maybe I did need rest. I could sleep on it and maybe in the morning I could function. I laid on Jessie's bed and stared at the cieling for a while, I tried closing my eyes but they kept poping back open.

"I have to get him back."

"What was that?"

"I have to get him back."
I repeated.

"Get who back?"

"The idiot that killed my dad."

"He is dead hun, the cops shot him."

"He is not dead, and I am going to find him."

     Jessie looked at me confused.


"I don't know, but I will figure it out."

"Do you want me to help you?"
She asked with excitement in her voice.

"No, to dangerous."

"Well, you can't do it alone, let me help you!"

I turned my head and looked Jessie in the eyes.

"You might die."

"So, at least I will get to see my mom again."

"Fine, you can help."

"Thank you, now go to sleep and we will figure it out in the morning."

     Morning came quick and I was ready to find the jerk that killed my dad. The man in the room with him didn't do it, and the police never said that was the guy that killed him.

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