Chapter 2

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Phil POV

Dan didn't have a car, so we ended up having to walk home. And by home, I mean his house.

I was pretty sure my foot was broken, which I can thank my dad for. Even before I get to school, I'm already hurting, due to my "father", who thinks I'm best used as a punching bag. I agreed with him. I mean, once you've spent every day of your life getting beat up, you don't exactly have high hopes for yourself. Even so, Dan was a comforting distraction, and was telling me sweet nothings we both knew were false.

I sighed as I leaned further onto him, my ankle throbbing with such a violence I was surprised I hadn't passed out yet. His arm was around my shoulder, and I had to keep reminding myself that it was simply platonic, that he would never like me like that.

Of course he wouldn't, my thoughts told me , you're nothing but a fat faggoty fuck-up. He's gonna leave you the second he gets the chance. No one loves you, Phil, and no one ever will. Just go and kill-

"Phil?" Dan asked, concern finding its way into his voice. I opened my eyes, realizing I had stopped and sunk to the ground, dragging Dan down with me. I was about to respond when I noticed a silver car slowly making its way towards us. In a panic, I pulled Dan back up, and started hobbling away. To where, I hadn't the slightest clue, but I knew I had to get away. 

I heard Dan shout after me, and soon felt his slender arms wrap around my waist, in an effort to hold me up. I kept hobbling, my mind set on running away from the evil man in the car. Dan didn't say anything, choosing instead to help me. I felt a surge of affection for him, but it was quickly replaced by fear of the silver car.

All too soon, it pulled up, my dad rolling down the window with a heartless smile.

"Hey, Philly," he said, using the name he knows I hate. "We gotta go home now, it's time for your lessons."

I tried my best not to flinch at his voice, although all I wanted to do was curl in a corner and cry. "You can't make me," I said.

"Oh yes I can," he said, an evil glint in his eye as he stopped his car and climbed out, marching towards me. He roughly grabbed my arm, pulling me away from Dan and shoving me into the car. He slammed the door on my injured foot, making me gasp in pain as his smile widened. 

I shakily closed the car door again, careful to put my foot inside the car, before taking one last look at Dan. He had silent tears running down his cheeks as he looked at me, knowing there was nothing he could do to help. I smiled sadly at him before my dad sped off, dooming me to another day at home.

The second I stepped through the door, he slammed me against the wall, his sweaty palms cutting off my breath. Forcing my eyes to stare at his, he sneered, "Does the fag have himself a new boyfriend? I bet he's just using you, having fun with you before he finds himself a new toy. That's all you are, Philly, a disposable, good-for-nothing little shit. No one's ever gonna love you, no one's ever gonna like you, but everyone's gonna have fun punching you around. Kicking some sense into you. Which is exactly what I'm gonna do."

With that, he dropped me like a sack of garbage, before kicking me once, twice, three times in the stomach. I groaned, trying to protect my head as countless punches rain down on me. My skin, already tender from the boys at school, now broke open, spewing blood over the floor. My father didn't care, laughing maniacally as my face contorted into one of pain.

After what felt like hours, but couldn't have been more than fifteen minutes, he finally stopped, leaving me with a, "Go die, fag."

I crawled up the stairs, my body protesting with every twitch of the finger. By the time I made it to my room, I was faint from the blood loss, not to mention lack of food. I sat down in a pool of blood,not bringing myself to care as I fell asleep, with the deepest parts of my mind hoping I never wake up.

A/N- Whoops that got dark. As per usual, feel free to point out everything wrong with this chapter. I have a more or less clear vision of where I want to go with this, so updates hopefully shouldn't take too long. Also as a random side note, this already has FOUR ENTIRE VIEWS!!! I felt waaaaaay too happy when I saw that. Anyways, the prize for making it through another chapter is..... AN INVISIBLE LIFE SIZED PEGASUS!! Bye for now :)

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