Chapter 8

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Dan's POV

Shit, I thought, looking around. I had no idea where I was, it was almost night, and my phone has a total of seven percent left.

"Gotta find Phil," I said to myself, even though logic was telling me to try to find my way of home. Even if I knew in my mind it was close to hopeless, I carried on, stumbling across the twisting roots of trees who's branches seemed like they were reaching out for me. I fell, hitting my knee on a jagged rock and slicing it open. Pain shot throughout my leg, and I almost turned around, but then I imagined Phil, scared and cornered, having who-knows-what done to him, and I knew I had to continue.

Wincing with every step, I entered a clearing- and froze. There, standing in front of me, was Phil's dad's truck, parked in front of a rickety-looking house. Quickly, I called the police, explaining the situation. They told me to "stay where I was", as if I would leave my best friend to be tortured while I patiently waited. Luckily my phone died, so I didn't have to argue with them.

Still being gentle with my knee, I hobbled towards the house, until I arrived at the front door. I heard sirens in the distance, so before I could change my mind I opened the door and stepped inside.

Phil's POV

I wasn't quite sure if I was hallucinating or not when I saw Dan step through the door. Funnily enough, my first thought was if I looked okay, despite the fact that the lighter was still burning into my skin. My dad and his friend didn't notice Dan, and I hoped that he was smart enough to not be seen, but that obviously wasn't his intention as he stormed up behind them and started yelling.

I closed my eyes as the lighter left my skin, not wanting to see what happened to Dan, but before I could think too much about all the gory scenarios I heard footsteps come into the room, followed by what could only be a scuffle before a police voice rang out.

"You're under arrest for kidnap and abuse," an officer said, and I opened my eyes to see my dad once again in handcuffs. 

I hope you stay in jail, I thought bitterly, before an overwhelming sense of pain on my arm flooded my senses and I blacked out. 

Dan's POV

In between the rush of all the police, I made my way to Phil, only to find him knocked out. Fear clouded inside me as I ran to a policeman. 

"My best friend needs help, now," I said, not in the mood for manners.

"They should be arriving shortly," he replied, giving me a sympathetic smile before turning back to whatever he was doing. As if on cue, I saw the van pull up, and soon there were workers swarming over Phil, packing him away on a stretcher and into the ambulance.

"You coming?" one of them asked, and I nodded, barely processing my thoughts as I climbed into the vehicle, pressing Phil's hand into mine. 

"Second degree burns, dermis ruptured almost completely, I need the...." I tuned out to the medical things pretty quickly, knowing that all the complicated words would only deepen my anxiety. Turning my attention back to Phil, I marveled (not for the first time) how beautiful he was. Even in this state, with parts of his skin red and splotchy, he was still easily the prettiest person I've ever seen. 

Sooner than expected, we reached the hospital, and I was once again stuck in the waiting room not knowing if Phil would be okay. I felt restless, but I must've fallen asleep, because before I knew it a nurse was shaking me awake, ready with a status report on Phil.

"I can tell you how he is, or you can visit hi-". Before she was finished, I was up and running, my previous exhaustion completely replace by my need to see Phil. I burst into his room, and there he was, alive and awake. I breathed a sigh of relief, going to his bedside and giving him a huge hug, despite having to awkwardly bend over to do it. He oofed in surprise, before relaxing into my arms and burying his head in the crook of my neck.

"I was so afraid, promise you'll never leave me again." I muttered, my heart racing at being so close to him.

"I promise," Phil said, his breath warming my neck as he spoke. Usually I hate people touching my neck, but I learned when I met him that I can make exceptions for Phil.

The nurse walked in then, clearing her throat as we were still hugging. I awkwardly detached from Phil, and she gave us a wink before fiddling with the machines.

After she left, Phil looked at me, and said, "I really like you, Dan."

I grinned like an idiot, barely able to keep my squeals in as I said, "I really like you, too."

Phil seemed satisfied with that, and after a while he fell asleep. Unable to help myself, I gave him a quick peck on the forehead, brushing his fringe out of his eyes. Turning around to go, I felt Phil's hand grab mine, as he whispered, "Please stay."

Happily, I fell back into the chair, and pretty soon we were both asleep, not noticing that our hands were still intertwined.

A/N- I don't know what I just wrote but I'm proud of it. Thank you guys SO MUCH for 15 votes and over 90 views! It might not seem like a lot but it means the world to me :) Anyways, summer is almost over, sadly, so I'll probably update less frequently, as if that's even possible. In celebration of Phil's latest video (or more accurately, shirt), you all get... PASTEL ICE CREAM CONES! (and ice cream.) I love ice cream. Bye for now!

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