Memories And texts

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As I walk home on the dirt road I hum along to one on the songs on my I-pod. A few minutes pass and I find myself full out singing-

*All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, outrun my gun.

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, you'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet.

Daddy works a long day.He's coming home late, yeah, he's coming home late.

And he's bringing me a surprise.

 His dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice.

I’ve -*

I got cut off by a car horn so without even looking back to the rude car I move closer to the sidewalk. Then they call again so I look back ready to use some of my colorful vocabulary, it’s him.

“Hello Obioma need a ride?”

“How did you know I was here?”

“I go to school to and your house is only 5 minutes away from my house, I could drop you there If you want”

“Sure, if it’s not any trouble” I give a shy smile

“No problem at all” I think I saw a mischievous smile but as soon as it was there is was gone

I walked/jogged over to his car and sat in the passenger seat. To break the awkward silence that had almost began I said

“You can call me Taka it’s what my friends call me”

“Ok Taka so you met some people!”

“Yes they are all really nice”

“Cool names?”

“Cory, Andrew, Blake, Miranda, George, Frankie and Claire” I was amazed with myself being able to recite their names so well. A smile pops on his face

“I know them!! Yeah in matter of fact they’re coming over for schoolwork tonight if you wanna come your more than welcome!”

He gets all worked up. I feel bad letting him down but I don’t feel like being around people today it’s just one of those days where you don’t want to socialize.

“I’m sorry but I finished all of my work at school” I lie

“Oh ok well maybe another time” and before I can reply were at my house my big, cold, lonely house I shake my head trying to push away the thought of changing my plans and telling him the truth

“Hey are you ok?” he asks with a worried smile

“Oh yeah sorry thanks for driving me here”

“Like I said before no problem”

I didn’t feel like going inside so I just lay here in the snow cloud watching. My once straight hair turning into flat wet curls and the clingy snow melts on my hair.

“What a day” I say out loud. As I see all of the different shapes and sizes form in the clouds it starts to snow and tears start to pour out of my eyes ‘why was I crying?’ was going through my head over and over. Then a scene from my last seconds with my family pooped up into my head.

“Grab my hand!!” my big brother yelled as I tried to reach for his hand I couldn’t reach it, has was only matter of seconds away

“WHY COULDENT I REACH HIM” I yell out and tears are still pouring down my face. I shut my eyes wanting to go back to my home wanting to count to three open my eyes and my whole family be smiling happily at me I wanted to be safe

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