Chapter 10

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Bell's POV:

I woke up with a pounding headache and when I looked at my phone to check the time but I immediately regretted it because of the light that almost blinded me and it was only  four in the morning.

I got out of bed with with an urge to drink water my mouth felt so dry. I was only wearing pajama shorts and a bra when I lazily dragged myself out of the room going downstairs I made my way to the kitchen.

I was rubbing my eyes to get  clear vision, I smiled when I heard the music we must have forgotten to switch it off.

"Good moring" I heard a raspy voice making me scream a little more louder than expected when I flickered the light on,  my eyes were wide with alarm until they landed on Keith who was sitted on the floor with a bottle of whiskey.

"Oh my God Keith are you alright?"  I asked concened by his state.

"Never better Belle my sweet" he said putting emphasis on the "t", he actually called me Belle for once. I watched him struggle to stand but he finally managed I kind of  frozen in shock he drunk literally half of the bottle half of it I think he is more drunk than last night considering the fact that he was drinking whilst sitted.

He staggered toward me placing the bottle of whiskey on the kitchen island. I felt nervous when he came even close as memory of drunk me daring him to kiss me flushed in my head then after that i don't know what happened... I don't remember. I was dragged out of thoughs when my eyes went to his body he isn't wearing a shirt , my eyes went from his chest and his rock solid abs and then his v line when i finally looked up he was standing so close. too close.

" Do you like what you see ? "He asked with sexy a smirk on his face his gray eyes looking seductively dark. 

My body was getting hot as he continued to get even closer oh God what is going on with my body? And damn he smells good for a drunk guy.

"I just wanted some water" i said escaping him as I took a glass then walked over to the sink to fill it, when I was filling the glass i felt arms wrap around my waist my body reacting immediately.

"Water?" I said turning in his arms only to find he was close too close too close I put on a smile trying to act like everything was okay but my eyes betrayed me when they dropped to his ever pink lips.

"So you do like what you see? " he stated again dropping his head to my neck and inhaling my scent.

My heart was going wild it was as if it was about to jump out of my chest, he took the glass from my hand and put it behind good cause i was seriously going to drop it because my hand were already sweaty.

"Don't fight it you know we both want this"he said tightening his grip around my waist.

"Keith... I ......"

"You what?" He interrupted me , I could feel his lips brushing my neck then he nibbled my neck at first it was kind of painful then I couldn't stop the moan that escaped my mouth and the pleasure that was tingling all over my body literally all.Over. He kissed and sucked the spot making my hands  collide with his hair as I tugged at it earning a groan from him.

He lifted his head back to my face as he crushed his lips on mine I know he smells of alcohol but kissing him feels so good,  I was going to stop but he deeped the kiss when his tongue slipped into my mouth i granted him access immediately, I could feel his tongue  exploring my mouth.

He moved me from the sink and sat me on the kitchen island he moved really quick for a drunk guy he was now standing inbetween my legs ,  he pulled away tailing kisses on my jawline then my neck to my breasts that were hard under my bra he continued his journey down to my tummy I could feel my muscles clench at his every kiss when his lips reached my shorts line I was literally lying on my back.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs he opened the door to my room letting me go first i casually walked to my bed and stood infront of it i feel like i'm taking advantage of him cause his drunk.

He staggered toward me i am really starting to feel guilty about this, he came close and the next thing I know their is a passed out Keith on my bed I  opened and closed my mouth in disbelief until I finally managed to mutter a very loud REALLY!  you can't get a girls hopes up and just,just pass out just like that.

I'm so not feeling guilty right now i just want to kick him.

After a while I managed to get him under the covers #note to self never attempt to move a drunk passed person ever cause they are extra heavy.

Like seriously what does he eat??

I sat down next to him literally panting. You are so going to pay for this i promise , aww but he looks so hot sleeping so peacefully  ok now i sound creepy watching him while he sleeps what am i a stalker?? I laid down next to him and immediately fell asleep.

Keith's POV:

Oh my gosh is that my head it feels like someone has a hammer and is knocking the shit out.

Wait why is my chest heavy? (Puts hand on chest) Oh my God since when did I get chest hair? And so much of it??

I opened my eyes to a sleeping Belle on my chest?  uhm what am i doing here... in her room? Did Keith Jr manage to convince me to come after her? No way the last thing i remember is being downstairs after i had that nightmare again.

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