Chapter 12

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Isabell's POV:

What to wear? What to wear? I really don't know what I'm going to wear. "Lizzy please help me don't just sit their like a useless friend" I yelled at Lizzy who literally walked in five minutes ago from yet anouther party.

"Why do I have to help?"she whines. "Is it some fancy thing?" she asks opening one eye to stare at me teasingly.

"I really don't know but it's better to be on the safe side"

" yeah..."she agrees  "we wouldn't want you pretty boyless" she adds. I shoot her a glare but she just ignores me an do laughs instead.

After hours of trying on clothes i sat down on my bed frustrated cause i can't find anything that's saticifies my eyes. "I can't do this!" I yell out loud. 

"Just go in that" Lizzy says motioning to my atire as she wiggles her eyebrows and earning a frown from me.

"I don't plan on seducing him" I say this and my cheeks flush pink.

"Not yet you mean just put a coat over that and when you finally have him alone you can ask him if he wants ice cream for desert or you screaming for desert" She explained with a devilish grin.

"Oh my God Lizzy are you crazy!" I say wide eyed.

"Pffh! Save me the crap miss 'innocent' you and pretty boy have been all over each other since you told me about your so called 'friendship'" she says sarcastically.

Before i could answer her our conversation was disturbed by the door bell.  "Oh no what if it's Keith" I say nervously.

"No it's not" Lizzy says rolling her eyes at me.  A confused expression forms my face.

"Why are you so sure?" i ask  curiously.

"Because it's four in the afternoon" Lizzy states. I quickly check my phone and she is actually right I  sigh in relief.

The doorbell rings again starling me this time i had forgotten about it after I found out I still have time. I wrapped a wrob around my body cause i knew Lizzy would never get up from that bed.

I made my way to the door when I opened it and their was a deliveryman standing infront of my door step.

"Isabelle Green?" He asks.

"Yeeeah..." I say that like a question.

"Sign here" he orders, I do as I'm told after I am done he hands me two boxes the one at the bottom bigger than the one at the top.

"Thank you"  I yell after him.

I rush back to my room and to my suprise Lizzy is out bed but i am even more suprised when turned around "innocent huh?" She teases.

I drop the boxes on my bed and grabbing my lingerie from her hands. "Lizzy!" I yell but she is already on my bed with the boxes.

"Are these from pretty boy?" she says this with a teasing tone as she shakes the little box that was on top.
"I think so" I asnwer sheepishly as I straw back to the bed and sit on the other side of the bed.

"What are you waiting for? Open them! Open them!" Lizzy yells like five year old on Christmas day.  "Oooh start with the big one " she is being such a fan girl.

Pull it close to me and open it their is a note in hand writing a very good hand writing by the way.

   I'm sorry but when i saw these all could think of was you and how amazing you  would look in them i hope you like them.. it's totally cool if you don't but just check em out.. Yeah see you at eight grandma don't be long.

I grinned like an idiot he really got me something to wear and he called me grandma again. I was dragged out of my thoughts by a screaming Lizzy "Grandma?  I think you have the wrong box honey" her head snaps to me but a confused expression forms on her face when she finds me grinning from ear to ear.

"He calls me grandma cause i take forever to dress up" I explain this between laughs.

"No shit pretty boy is right you are a grandma when it comes to dressing up we have been looking for an outfit for hours" she says looking impressed obviously by the word grandma and that she will get to use it on me too.

"Wait a minute did you say 'we' yet you've been laying in my bed the whole time" I say narrowing my eyes at her.

"Okay less of me but it is my opinion that matters" she points out.  "Now lets check out the dresses I've been waiting forever grandma" she teases.

I remove the rapper and pull out a gorgeous dress while Lizzy pulls out the other. The one I'm holding is dark blue and the one Lizzy is holding is black.

"Pretty boy sure knows how to impress"she says looking at me with a 'this dress is fucking awesome' expression on her face and i nod in agreement.

"You should wear the dark blue it looks like your colour" she says smiling at me. I return the smile looking in the mirror at the gorgeous dress. "Now go bath" she snatches the dress from my hands,

"Hey!" I whine but she points a fingure towards the bathroom.
Instead of arguing i do as I'm told.


I heard the door bell ring and for once Lizzy got it. I'm still in my room staring at my reflection because I can't believe that is me staring back at myself .

I checked my phone to see the time it's 7:45 pm mmh pretty boy is time cautious. Did i just call him pretty boy oh my God Lizzy is rubbing off on me, I smiled at the thought. As I was slipping on the beautiful shoes that where in the other box i could hear them chat but I  payed no attention to what they were saying though.

Admiring myself one last time in the mirror while holding my blue clutch in my hand I took a deep breath before I  opened the door and  headed down stairs.

I hope he likes how i look...  What if he doesn't then what? He is just your friend... Yeah who you occasionally kiss almost all the time... Whatever is going on between us it's not friendship their is too much attraction involved.

I shut off my mind off once i take the last step my heart is in my chest beating  but i can hear it so amplified as though it's on speakers, when Keith sees me he stands up immediately his lips parted and his face is almost expression less in his hands are a bouquet of red roses.

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