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Jane pov...

My two months in isolation is up and I am being moved to a new cell today. I will still be in a cell alone but I am allowed to leave my cell for food and rec time. I am also now allowed contact with the outside world and access to the news. I can't use a computer yet but depending on behaviour I should be able to within a year.
So far prison has been ok, the food is good it's not great but it's better than I expected. Everything seems tidy but I have hardly been anywhere I was in my cell or the bathroom, things might change now.
I have been by myself so I couldn't talk to anyone so all I did was think, I went over memories from work, with my family and most with Maura. I can't believe that I was so stupid to end up in prison, I wanted things to change but I should have done it legally. I asked for them not to be told where I am so no one knows that I am here.

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