Winter Vaca? Hooray!

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"Why can't we stay at Audrey's house for the whole two months? And why do we have to dad's in the first place? Why does mom have to leave? oh, and one more, why do we have so many suitcases?" Carter asked.

"Audrey's house is as full as can be already. Be happy we can even stay there for one week, let a lone two months! Dad is...just our dad and we have to see him sometimes. Mom's nursing official is going to texas and needs mom as an assistant. And Carter, do you ever know how long two months acctually is? It's not like we can just take a shopping bag and call it a day." I said putting all of Carter's bags in front of the door next to mine.

"But, Audrey only has two brothers!" Carter exclaimed, mentioning Ryan and Leo. Audrey, Ryan, and Leo are triplets.

"Elizabeth is home for break also!" Elizabeth is the oldest, she's in college. Our break is two months long because of our location and how we go to school year 'round, we have two two months breaks, one in december and january, another in june and july. We are the only school system in the country to do this...and it's awesome!

As some of you know, senior year is a HUGE deal, and as a senior, it's so nerve racking, waiting for May to graduate, and then starting college again in september.

I must have zoned out, because I all of a sudden see Carter snapping in my face.

"Vada, Vaaaada, Vade?" He said.

"What? Oh, as I was saying, Beth is home and it's going to be packed." Just then I heard my mom calling me from her room. "Be right back Car." I walked down the hall into the salmon colored room. "Yeah?"

"Vada," She was stuffing a sweater in a case. "I just wanted to say, be nice to your father. And Wyatt. Please, be respectful, and neat."

"Really? I'm not dumb, I know." I said with tude.

"I know you're not dumb. Just making sure. But, I need to go in ten. Go keep Carter buisy 'till I get in the living room okay?"

"Kay." I turned around and walked out. "Carter!"

"What?" He yelled from the kitchen.

"What are you eating?"

"Crackers." He said.

"Whatever...I was going to take you to Mcdonalds on the way to Audreys." I said sighing.

I smiled when I heard him shovel everything back into the cabinet. "I only had two." He said coming back into the living room and sitting on the couch.

"Okay guys, be good. Don't get into trouble. Vade, keep Carter safe. Carter, stay safe. One week at Audrey's is going to be a lot for her father and mother. Be respectful. And as for dads...just...I don't know. I love you." She said kissing and hugging us both.

"Be safe!" I yelled as me and Carter waved at her. "You ready Car?" I asked him whipping out my Iphone and texting Audrey saying we would be there in a half an hour.

"Let's blow this popsical stand." He said walking out the door.


"Carter." I nudged him. "Oh god." I undid his seat belt and slung him on my shoulder. I walked down the brick walkway and into the white farm style house. It always had smelled the same. Even when we were five, did it smell like the cinnamon pine cones in the woven basket next to the couch by the lamp. I really know this house.

I layed Carter down on the long brown couch and put the blue and white printed comforter that the Quill's have had for years, over his little, sleeping, body.

"Hello!" I yelled walking into the dining room. "Audrey?"

"In here!" Came the familiar voice from the kitchen. I walked into the yellow kitchen to see Mrs. Quill sitting on the bench next to the table.

"Vada!" She yelled pushing the bench back and standing up to hug me. "Feels like I havent seen you in years!"

"Oh I know Mrs. Quill! It's only been two weeks though. Things have been pretty hectic with Carter's condition lately." I turned around to see Audrey standing there eating a cosmic brownie and some cocoa.

"The fuck bro?" She laughed and hugged me. "Where is Carter?"

"Living room. He's sleeping."

"It's dinner time though! My mother and I have slaved over this kitchen all day and we are NOT eating cold food." Mrs. Quill said getting forks and knives out of the closet and handing them to me and Audrey.

"Let's go set the table before the hulk over here wants to "smash."' Audrey said, I laughed and followed her to the dining room. I was puting the forks on the left side of all 10 plates.

"Why did your mee-maw and mom make an enire dinner?" I asked.

"I dont even fucking know man. Apparently my mom thinks Carter needs to "be invited into a peaceful environment right away" and "not to be afraid of a difference" apparently she doesn't know him enough yet." Audrey explained.

"Clearly." Everyone knew what kind of kid Carter was, he was the kind of kid who would get along with anyone, be nice to everyone, and not to mention, he was the opposite of an issue. He was always there to help with anything you could ever need. He would get used to his treatment here and there isn't any reason why he wouldn't like it here. And it was only for a week. And then...a month and half at dad's...great.

"Hi Vada." I turned around to see Leo standing there, in a sleevless tee and camo pants...

"Hi Leo."

"Leo! Go away!" Audrey yelled. "Mom, the table is set!"

"Okay, go get everyone." She said back. Audrey went into the den and up the steps to get Leo, Ryan, Mee-maw, Pappi, Mr. Quill, and Elizabeth.

I walked into the living room and knelt next to Carter. "Carter." I pushed his shoulder.

"Yesssssss." He said without opening his eyes.

"Dinner time." I said.

"Kay." When I turned around with him, everyone was sitting at the table looking at us. All eight of them.

"Hey." I said. Everyone laughed.


It was 1:30 a.m. and Audrey, Ryan, Elizabeth, Carter, and I were watching "The Ring." Luckily, Carter was already sleeping by the time the scary parts started to happen.

"Ahhhhh!!!!! Fuck this!" Audrey yelled hiding behind Beth.

We all started to laugh and make snide comments about her.

"Im going to sleep. Night everyone!" I said to those on the floor as I layed my head down on the pillow next to Carter. It wasn't long until I was out cold. I can't wait to see Anna, Sasha, and Maggie tomorrow for lunch! Oh god, seven more days here, and then...Wyatt...Rebecca...and dad.

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