It all changed

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    I woke up from my alarm. I got a text from Jansen telling me to hurry up and get to school. I got dressed as fast as I could put my bag pack on one of my shoulders and slammed the door.
As I walked in the school doors Jansen pulled me to a corner of a bush. "Hey bro what's up?" I asked. He started talking really fast but I couldn't understand him. He was still talking when I interrupted him "glad to see you alive from the woods" he looked at me with a angry face "Stilinski!" He yelled. At that moment I new he wasn't kidding. "When I was in the woods I lost my inhaler. When I was looking  for it I heard a wolf,  when I turned around it came flying on me and it bit me." I looked around him "where's the bite?" He pulled his shirt up and pointed to white pad at the side of his stomach. He started to open the bandage up. It looked like two huge bloody bit marks. I was descusted by the blood.  "So what do you think bit you?" I asked "a wolf" he answered. "A wolf it can't be. California doesn't have any wolfs"  he sighed "your right it was probably a fox but". We both got out of of bush and started walking towards the school stairs, when I saw Teresa "Hey Teresa! You your going to ignore me" she quickly walked passed me like she didn't notice me. Jansen tapping me on the back "there's plenty of other girls in the sea". And the bell rang for 1st period.
We had a test to take in math, when I saw Jansen acting weird he didn't touch his pencil yet he looked like he was listening to something, the room was quiet. Just when I was about to turn in my test the classroom door opened with Mr. Runts holding on to a strangers hand "hi class meet or new student, Allison". Jansen was looking at her with googly eyes. At that moment I new he liked her.

Wolf Listening;book one Where stories live. Discover now