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3rd person POV

    "I'm sorry Ryo, maybe it might be better if I stay away. Though, I can't!" Kise heard a girl's voice in his head.

    Ryo, I love you.

    Kise woke up, and immediately sat up. His head throbbed for some reason, and Rei was the cause of it. Kise turned his head to the side, and found Rei resting at the edge of his bed.

I miss you.

    Kise looked around, "Where am I?" He asked to no one in particular. The curtain slide to the side revealing a woman in a white coat, "You're in the nurse's office, my office to be exact. She brought you here becaused you collapsed on the roof." She answered his question.

    "Oh." Kise looked at Rei, he ran his hand down her black hair. Kise's head throbbed once more, the way she felt seemed familiar to him. Rei opened her eyes slowly, "You woke up ssu!"

    Rei jumped back, "W-What?" Her face was bright red, and her eyes were puffy.

    Kise frowned, "Did you cry ssu?" Kise cupped her cheeks and brought Rei closer to him. Rei slapped his arm away, "I'm fine, anyway you seem okay as well. I'll be taking my leave now." She looked away and didn't make eye contact with Kise.

    "Okay! I will send an email to your next teacher because you missed the first 15 minutes of class." The nurse smiled.

    Rei nodded, "Thanks." She stood up to leave. Kise grabbed her sleeve, "How did you even get me here ssu?" Rei grinned.

    "That's for me to know, and for you to find out." She walked out of room and towards her next class. Kise laid back down, and stared at the white tiled ceilings.

    "Despite her rough attitude towards you, don't take it personally. She does care for you, otherwise she wouldn't have stayed here and waited for you to wake up." The nurse smiled.

    Kise nodded, "It seems like I know Sacchi from somewhere." Kise felt like he saw the nurse look away.

    She chuckled, "Well then, just take a nap. I'll wake you up when school is over." Kise sighed and closed his eyes.

Ryo, please remember already.


Kise's head couldnt stop throbbing when he thought of Rei, but when he became distracted by something other than her, the throbbing would go away.

"Stupid b*tch, who do you think you are, seducing Kise-sama?!" A girl screamed from behind Rei.

Rei calmly closed her lockers, "Are you idiots just plain stupid or are you girls assuming for no reason?" she turned to look at the three females that were in the blonde's fanclub.

"Who are you calling an idiot?!" One girl yelled.

"You three obviously. There is no one else around." Rei responded calmly.

Another growled, "You're getting to close with Kise-sama, keep your distance!"

"Is that a threat or a promise?" Rei smirked, she noticed Kise was leaning against the wall.

"U-Uh.. It is a promise!" The third one answered hesitantly.

Rei shrugged, "Besides, if I could keep a distance, I wouldn't be dealing with you idiots.." Kise felt needles stab his heart after every word.

"Stop acting like you-" she raised her hand to attack Rei.

"Enough." Kise held the girl's wrist. Rei stared at Kise, You're late. Kise noticed her glance and smiled, "Is something on my face ssu?" He asked.

    "Kise-sama!" Kise ignored them.

Rei looked away, "No, I'll be leaving now." She grabbed her bag and walked towards the entrance. Kise let go of the fangirl's wrist and followed after Rei.

Of course, after replacing the school's indoor shoes with his own...

"Why are you following me?" Rei stopped walking and turned to face Kise.

Kise's head throbbed again, "I said it before, I want to be your friend ssu!" Rei sighed.

"I said that I don't want to be your friend, now leave me alone." Rei spoke bluntly. If I become your friend, it would hurt me.

Kise shook his head rapidly, "No, can do ssu! I will become your friend and that's that!" Kise smiled. He didn't know why he was being pushy with Rei. Kise wasn't sure if it was his habit of helping people fit in, or the throbbing of his head and the blank feeling he felt in his heart when he thought of her.

Rei sighed, "Fine, I agree." Kise hesitated.

"What ssu?"

"I said, that I'll be your f-friend." Rei stuttered, I don't know why I set myself up for a roller coaster of pain.

Kise smiled, "Yay ssu! Sacchi became my friend!" Kise's heart stopped beating for a moment after seeing her expression.


"See you tomorrow, Kise." Rei turned around and continued walking towards her house. She put her free hand over her heart, I don't want the same mistake to happen again.

Kise watched her figure dissapear into the scenery, "What was that ssu?" Kise felt tears fill his eyes. His heart pained at being "friends" with Rei. He is supposed to be happy!

Kise can't help but feel like something is missing. Rei wasn't telling him something, and he couldn't get her words out of his head.

Ryo, please remember already.

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