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3rd person POV

"If you excuse me, senpai, I'll be leaving. Oh and don't tell Kise a single thing about what we discussed. " Rei opened the door to see someone standing there.

    Kise stood with a glare clearly shown on his face, "What do you mean ssu?" He looked at both Kasamatsu and Rei.

Since Kise just got there, he only heard the last part. Though the last part was what made him mad. He was being kept in the shade about something, and even his sisters won't tell him...

    Rei sighed, "It doesn't matter." She turned to leave but Kise grabbed her wrist.

    "Kasamatsucchi, Sacchi! What are you both hiding ssu?!" Kise's heart strings began to stretch as they both stood quietly.

    "Kise, let's just go to practice. We are taking up Rei-san's time." Kasamatsu sent a glance towards Rei, whom returned it.

    "Stop hiding it ssu! I don't want to be in the dark ssu! What are you both hiding ssu?!" Kise felt tears fill his eyes.

    Rei pressed a pressure point, "Sorry, you are going to find out yourself. You aren't always going to have an easy route through life." Kise last heard before he blacked out.

    Kasamatsu gulped, Rei just made Kise pass out in less than a second. Rei sent a glance towards Kasamatsu, "I'm sorry to leave him to you. Please don't tell him, I want him to remember." He nodded.

    Kasamatsu slung one of Kise's arms around his shoulder. "Lets go." He looked at Rei one last time before leaving the roof.

    Kise was going to be very pushy, and annoying later. Kasamatsu sighed, "Looks like I'll have to stop hitting his head..." He mumbled.


Koji held Rei's hand tightly, "So even you get nervous, huh?" She smirked.

"I'm nervous? You're the one shaking though." He chuckled.

Rei hesitated, "You're on, Romeo." She shook his hand off and he only grinned in response.


Kise missed most of the play, he didn't want to see the play because Koji was Romeo and Rei was Juliet. Though, he had to watch the ending because the teacher dragged him there.

Despite the loud rumors, Kise didn't hear about the ending scene. So when both Koji and Rei were on stage, he was on edge.

"O my love! my wife! Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty: Thou art not conquer'd; beauty's ensign yet. Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, and death's pale flag is not advanced there. Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet? O, what more favour can I do to thee, than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain, to sunder his that was thine enemy Forgive me!" Koji wrapped his arms around Rei's waist.

"Ah, dear Juliet, why art thou yet so fair? shall I believe that unsubstantial death is amorous, and that the lean abhorred monster keeps thee here in dark to be his paramour? For fear of that, I still will stay with thee;
And never from this palace of dim night
Depart again." He grabbed Rei's chin and made her face him.

"I will kiss thy lips; Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, to make die with a restorative." She mentally smirked and rubbed her thumb on his bottom lip.

Two figures began to reveal themselves as Rei and Koji began to get closer. Rei softly smiled, "Let's see if thy lips are warm, and lay my body beside yours. We shall never be seperated again, oh Romeo." She pressed her lips against Koji's as tears streamed down her cheeks.

People in the audience were surprised by her tears, and Koji had some forming in his eyes. Though, Rei was a step further and had tears rolling down her face.

The two masked figures, stabbed Koji and Rei as both fell limp to the floor, with blood oozing from their bodies. Clearly impaled, the narrator said the final words and the curtains closed.

Koji sat up, "I hate fake blood, it's always sticky." He slipped off his suit and the fake sword slipped off as well.

He looked at Rei, "But still... They made your blood a lot more realistic. By the way, the curtains are closed so you can stop acting now."

Rei didn't move.

"Sachi, hey..." Koji shook her body.

He touched the fake sword, and realized something crucial...




That was no fake sword,
and that was no fake blood.

Someone actually replaced the plastic swords for an actual sword, and stabbed Rei in her heart. Koji, looked at his hands which now was covered in her blood.

"HEY! WHO IS THE CAUSE OF THIS?!" He opened the curtain and yelled at the top of his lungs.

He yelled so the cast members, actors and unfortunately..

The audience could hear.

"What's wrong?"
"Koji-senpai looks really scary."
"Cause of what?"

He glared, "I shall repeat myself once more, who stabbed Sachi?!" His voice sounded like it was soaked in venom and had an intimidation that almost rivaled Akashi.


Kise's eyes widened, "Wait... Sacchi was stabbed?!" Koji scowled.

"She's being treated as we speak. Someone who was masked, stabbed Rei in the heart with an actual sword." He scowled.

Gasps were heard throughout the auditorium, but Kise was frozen still. Many people began to wonder if Koji was faking.

There was no way a murder could happen in a school play. Especially within the cast. Thr reason he said it out loud, was because the one who did it could have either hidden within the crowd or behind the tech crew.

If you weren't acting, Akiro made them go near the tech crew. Due to the play being a grade, those other than Koji had to watch the whole play. So as said before, they were either within the crowd or beside the crew.

Koji's eyes seemed to be lit with flames of rage, "Akiro, show me who was in charge of stabbing me and Rei." his tone of voice was not to be tested.

"The ones in charge were Roi Haje, Furika Deuro and back ups were Tsumi Yoko and Kiiro Gieru. " Akiro looked at his list.

"Roi Haje was claimed sick, so Tsumi Yoko was the replacement. She was the one stabbing Rei, though we can't jump to conclusions. We all know Rei is an outstanding actor, Koji calm down and go check on her. She might be pranking you..." Akiro pointed to the infirmary.

Koji knew it wasn't fake. The fake blood that was made for them was too realistic for Rei. Her hand was still warm, but was getting cold and her breathing was barely heard. He didn't believe that it was all a lie.

Running to the infirmary, Koji and Kise ran like their life depended on it. Kise then paused, he was going to see Tsumi first.

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