Hot springs

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3rd person POV

A loud knock was heard at the room Kise, Rei, Koji and Kasamatsu were staying in. Rei was first to wake because she was the lightest sleeper.

    She slowly opened her eyes and realized that she was in Kise's arms and dangerously close to his muscular figure. Rei first blushed, but then it faded once she tried to get out of his grasp.

    The knocking wouldn't stop, and to Rei, it was too early for all that noise. Once she finally got out of Kise's hold and stood up, Kasamatsu woke up, "What's with all that noise?" Kasamatsu mumbled as he sleepily rubbed his eyes.

    "I don't know." Rei responded back and finally opened the door.

    In front of the door, stood two people. A girl with yellow locks, and a shorter one with red hair. Rei knew who it was immediately and just opened the door, allowing them in.

Raizu smiled, "Hehe, sorry to intrude." She walked into the room.

"To think, you actually slept with a bunch of boys." Rima sighed.

Kasamatsu pretended to go back to sleep, there were more girls and it was too early for him to deal with them. He didn't want to embarrass himself even more than he already has in front of girls.

Rei didn't say anything, and only went back to Koji. He felt shuffling with the blankets and slowly opened his eyes, "Sachi, w-what's wrong?" She slightly shivered.

    Koji sat up, and pulled Rei onto his lap. Though, he used the blanket to cover Rei's shivering frame. He then looked at both girls...

"Good morning, Koji-san." Rima greeted.

"Morning!" Raizu cheerfully smiled.

Koji sighed, "What are you both doing here so early in the morning? I'm surprised you managed to pass all the patrols." Both Raizu and Rima looked at Rei.

"We thought Rei hated us yesterday, she avoided all contact and conversations. We thought that she only liked you because you were the only one she talked to besides Rima's brother." Raizu spoke.

Rei clenched the blanket, they were talking about her. She was certain they hated her now, and was ready to hear their complaints and insults...

"Me and Raizu-san agreed to come here just so that we have more time to talk to Rei-san. We want to be friends with Rei-san." Rima finished.

Rei's grip loosened, and Koji looked at her to get her answer. Rei sighed, if she was going to cure her disorder, might as well try. After all, she had three people supporting her...

"I guess." Rei mumbled softly, only Koji heard her voice, since he was literally next to her...

"She'll hang out with you both, are you going to stay in this room or go somewhere else?" Koji looked at both females.

"I originally planned to stay here, but we could change plans." Rima smiled at Rei.

    Rei nervously got up from Koji's lap and followed both girls out of the room. Raizu jumped on Rei, and gave her a hug. Rei reacted immediately and got out of her hold.

    "Don't touch me." Rei said instinctively, but then paused.

    Raizu laughed, "Hehe sorry." She rubbed her nape.

    Rima looked at Rei from the corner of her eye, "Let's go to the hot spring. It might calm you better." Rei agreed because of the steam.

    Raizu smiled, "YES!" She ran towards the hot spring, leaving Rima and Rei behind.

    "Do you have BPD?" Rima asked bluntly.

    Rei hesitated, "Why would I answ-"

    "I heard the nurse talking to Koji yesterday. I'm pretty sure you didn't notice, but I went to the nurse's room yesterday because my brother pushed me down." Rima noticed Rei didn't keep eye contact.

    "When you were too busy with Koji, I tripped and was pushed aside. I was pushed down right before he went to flirt." Rei then 'oh'ed.

    "I didn't mean to pry, but you know... it kinda makes sense." Rei sighed. Rima was naturally an observant person, and that made Rei get revealed.

    "Does Raizu know?" Rei asked, and Rima took that as a yes.

    "She doesn't know, but she thinks you hate us. Which, I followed along with her story because I was uncertain if you had BPD." Rima answered.

    Rei nodded, "You are correct. I have BPD, does that satisfy you?" Rima shook her head.

    "The part of me and Raizu becoming friends wasn't a lie. I don't mean fake friends either, I mean friends as in people you talk to, have fun with, and trust." Rima pushed open the door to the hot springs and Rei went in.

    Raizu was happily soaking in the hot spring, and apparently they were the only ones in there because it was so early. Rei was uncertain about this because she was so close to people but decided to go with it because she has already made it this far.

    Rima put the towel around herself and walked in. Rei stared at the walls, uncertainties flowing her mind. Though, even so she stripped and put a towel around herself.

    She was merely taking a bath. She took one yesterday too, even though she was alone, it's the same. Raizu whistled, "No wonder Koji fell for you." She said after Rei took off her towel.

"That comment isn't necessary." Rei spoke back. She began to rinse herself.

Rima sighed, "This is harder than I thought." Borderline wasn't exactly easy to cure, in Rei's case.

Rei felt a sponge rub her back, and she shivered from the contact. She stood up and glared, "What did I say about touching me?" She accidentally yelled.

Rima looked at Rei with unwavering eyes, "At least you aren't at that stage. I don't see any cuts nor traces of self harm." Rima put down the sponge and grabbed Rei's wrist.

"I know this disgusts you, but please get over it. Don't you want to get rid of your disorder?" Rima whispered the last part.

Rei's eyes softened, "I've thought about it; Cutting and Self harm. Though whenever I attempt it or think of it, Koji or my family stops me from doing so." Rima smiled at her response.

"I apologize for being pushy, but I'll wash your back. If it disgusts you to the point of cutting yourself with the faucet, I'll stop." Rei hesitated at Rima's last sentence.

Raizu puffed, "How are already close enough to touch Rei?" She pouted. Raizu sunk in the water and came back up.

"Why do you use those? There's a spring right here." Raizu spoke.

"There are people who pefer not to get wrinkly skin from being in warm water for so long." Rima squirted more soap into her hand.

With permission, Rima began to wash Rei's hair. Raizu got up from the spring and went with Rima, "I guess I'll wash too then! I don't want to be soaking alone." She pouted.

Rei looked at Raizu from the corner of her brown eyes, if Raizu said ssu then she would be like the girl version of Kise. Rei sighed, Why am I thinking about Kise?

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