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It is dinnertime, but Xavier still hasn't said a word about the next leader of the pack, his heir. We must have been eating for a good five minutes before Xavier stood up and ruffled his fur out importantly. "I have a very important announcement to make tonight." he said. All eyes were on him now. "The time has come for me to decide my heir. I will teach him how to lead the pack, and set forth certain pack duties. My heir will be.... Tyler."

The look on Tyler's face was one of complete shock mixed with happiness. Blake didn't seem too disgruntled about it. He congratulated his brother, then left to be alone for a few moments. After congratulating Tyler, I slipped outside to find Blake.

He was sitting at the base of an old oak tree, looking up at the luminous full moon. "What's wrong, Blake?" I asked, sitting beside him.

He sighed, obviously troubled, before saying "Why didn't dad let us know before he chose?"

"I think he wanted to keep it a secret."

 Blake looked at me, then said, "I'm not jealous of Tyler, in fact I'm happy for him. But I can't help wondering why dad chose Tyler as his heir."

"Oh Blake." I said sympathetically. "I honestly have no idea why Tyler was chosen. Your father asked me earlier today, and I couldn't choose, so he said he would announce his choice tonight."

"Thanks for trying to help me understand." Blake said, getting up. "I'm going back to the den."

"Okay." I said.

"I still worry about you though."


Well, I finally revealed who the heir is and I hope you all are satisfied. I tried to update as soon as I could, but cross country has been taking up more and more of my time. State is in three weeks! However, I do have fall break this weekend which means.....more time to type! YAY! (:

Well, I hope everybody has a nice day! Please vote, comment, and follow me if you haven't already! Bye! (:

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