Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"You made it back to our hotel room and didn't sleep with him? There's a reason I spent the night in Ricky's suite," Nicole scolded me the next morning. I was retelling the details of my dinner with Nate to her, Bessa, and Ricky as we were getting ready for a day at the beach.

"Not even a little over the shirt action?" Ricky asked while plucking his brows in the bathroom mirror.

"That's what he meant when he said that it was going to be strictly dinner," I answered them both, sliding into a pair of white shorts.

Nicole watched as Bessa put on her third layer of lotion."Bessa, you don't need any more sunscreen. You've already used half the bottle."

Bessa frantically continued rubbing it onto her arms. "You guys don't understand. I burn easy! You think keeping my skin this perfect requires no work?"

"Save some for us who are almost translucent!" Ricky's yelled.

Nicole snatched the bottle from Bessa's hands. "You already have a hat, a cover up, and we've got one of those tent cabana things reserved at the beach. You're fine."

"Hand that over here," I motioned for the sunscreen from Nicole.

"Don't think we're done talking about your night," Nicole warned while handing the bottle to me. "Did you regain feelings for him again or what?"

"To be honest, no. I didn't. I thought I would but I didn't," I openly confessed, opening the sunscreen bottle. "It was a romantic night. I mean, we literally had a long walk on the beach. But there were no romantic feelings whatsoever."

"Huh," Nicole seemed skeptical.

"Really?" Bessa seemed shocked.

"That's a damn lie!" Ricky poked his head from the bathroom door.

The way I felt about Nate was a foreign feeling to me. On one hand, I couldn't deny our natural chemistry. Our conversations flowed, we were on a good level of understanding, and an underlying attraction towards one another was eminent. He would always have a special place in my heart. On the other hand, we both were well aware that we had matured into people who didn't exactly see eye to eye on everything. And like I thought before, we were both in different places simply adjusting to our situation.

Plus, this was the first time I'd seen the guy in three years. I was going to need more time to get used to the fact that he was about to enter in my life again.

But I know myself better than anyone else and my feelings could change at the drop of a hat. Who knew what the next three weeks would bring?

"People change, feelings change," I shrugged nonchalantly. "We're just...friends."

"Now that, is the Haley I know," Bessa smiled proudly at me. "Mature and honest."

"Yeah, yeah," Nicole waved her off. "So, when are you going to sleep with him? Is next Wednesday to soon? Because I've got a date with Riley and you'll have the room to yourself because obviously, I'm going to his place after since he's rooming with Donald who's going to get a facial at-"

"Hold on," I stood up from the bed. "Who do you have a date with?"

Nicole smiled. "Riley. Max's friend!"

"Who's Max?" Bessa stared at me in confusion.

"Who's Donald and where is he getting a facial at?" Ricky chirped.

"I met the Maxwell Hunter from the Times the other day after a seminar and we got drinks with him and his colleague's last night," I recapped Bessa on recent exciting events.

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