Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

The next morning, I felt the warmth of the sun beaming through the window directly onto my face. My legs were wrapped in soft cloth, my arms tangled in a mess of sheets and pillows. I opened my eyelids to find Nate's head merely inches away, sleeping soundly next to me.

With his eyes closed, I could see how long his lashes were. I admired the curves of his face and the smoothness of his skin. He was peacefully dreaming. What a beautiful sight to wake up to.

But it was time to get back to reality.

I slowly slid myself out from underneath the sheets, careful not to make any sudden movement or noise to avoid waking him up. I threw on my underwear then slid back into my skirt. I clasped my bra on  while my eyes searched for my top.

Shit, where was it?

I tiptoed briskly around the bed knowing it must have gotten flung somewhere in the midst of all the pulling and tossing of clothes last night. But it was anywhere to be found. I had no choice but to quietly tug the sheets from the edge of the bed, knowing it must have gotten lost in the pile.

"It's right here."

I looked up to find Nate still with his eyes closed, smile prominent, and an arm raised holding my crop top.


I hopped back onto the bed, knees bent with my legs folded underneath me. "Thanks," I laughed, putting my top back on.

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" Nate asked with one eye open, his mouth in a slight grin.

How adorable he looked! Who ever he'd end up marrying would be one happy girl to see that face every morning.

In this moment, more than ever, I knew that girl would never be me.

A special place in my heart would always be reserved for Nate Chester. He would be someone that kept a part of me that I could never give to anyone else. We shared a loving and memorable experience that was only meant to happen once. That made me content. I didn't feel heartbroken, or empty. I felt the opposite, actually. Energized, refreshed, and very happy.

"You caught me," I confessed, running a hand through my tangled bed head.

"Come here," He patted the empty side of the bed next to him.

I happily obliged and laid back down into my spot. Nate's arm instantly wrapped around my waist, the scent of him from last night lingering at the tip of my nose.

"Last night was fun," Nate buried his head into my neck. "And we should never do it again."

I laughed aloud, wrapping my arm around his neck, caressing the back of his head with my fingers. "Absolutely not. One time was good enough. But you're right. It was the most fun I've had this trip."

He pulled his head back."So, what does this mean? Are we still friends?"

"Of course," I turned to him. "Closer friends now, I suppose. But friends nonetheless. Although, this stays between us."

"My lips are sealed. Would like to avoid a repeat of last time, at all costs," He chuckled softly into the pillow.


"You're probably going to tell the girls, aren't you?" He didn't even wait for me to respond before continuing. "Yeah, you are."

"I promise it will stay between us...and Bessa, Nicole, and Ricky."

"Oh God," He shook his head. "They're going to know all the dirty details. How can I face them?"

"Relax, we're not in seventh grade. They're not going to avoid you like you've got cooties," I laughed.

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