Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Thank God," Nicole extended her arms out and did a little twirl in front of the Westin resort. "We're finally here!"

Thank God, indeed.

She had been complaining the entire ride over here. Starting in JFK, she was uncomfortable in her window seat, asked for twenty cups of water because the altitude was "dehydrating", kept repeating her questions to the cab driver who didn't speak a lick of English (and left the tipping to me), and now after hours of traveling and trying to drown her voice out, we were finally in beautiful Aruba.

Love her to death, but I could only take so much.

The resort was a sea of white stucco with colorful flora and fauna surrounding the area. The ground was orange brick, wobbly to walk on but made a great contrast against the vibrant shades of the resort. The sky was crystal clear and a shade of cerulean I had never seen before, the wind warm but howling with the ocean waves, directly behind the resort.

Other writers that I recognized from various magazines were pouring out of their own cabs and buses, dragging their bags with the same cheery faces as me and Nicole.

Behind my shades and underneath a sun hat, I eyed the crowd in hopes that I wouldn't find someone I didn't want to run into this early on. I wasn't ready for a reunion with my past just yet. However, I was ready for some food and a relaxing nap. Possibly a massage. Maybe even a facial.

"This is going to be amazing," Nicole said, her side-eye closely watching a group of attractive men that just hopped out of a bus with a large "Maxim" logo on the side.

"Easy tiger," I joked as we proceeded with the crowd and entered the lobby. There were no walls, leaving it open to front yard with a gorgeous view of their front garden and fountain.

Throughout the lobby were comfortable lounge chairs and tables, each as radiant in color and design as the physical attributes of the resort. I recognized a few acquaintances and waved at them as they were already seated with cocktails and finger foods in hand.

"I am the opposite of easy," She said, continuing to gawk at the fashionably dressed guys around us.

"Since when?" I snorted.

"Bite me," She glared back.

"There they are!"

At the sound of a familiar and friendly voice, our attention snapped back to the front desk where Tony, Kevin, and Bessa were crowded around, waiting for their turn to check-in.

"How dope is this?" Tony extended his bushy arms out while leaning in for a quick peck on the cheek.

"The dopest," Nicole smiled back. "Hi Kev."

"Ladies," Kevin hugged both of us.

"Finally! I've been sitting in a large pile of testosterone for too long," Bessa sighed in relief and rushed to our side.

"You're in a relationship which is why you can't enjoy that simple fact," Nicole commented while lowering her sunglasses just enough so that she was able to take a peek at the perky butts of three Maxim guy that walked past us.

"And she better not," Tony frowned at Nicole.

"Relax, babe," Bessa rolled her eyes at him.

To this day, it still baffled me when they would call each other pet names. Kevin and I were never a huge fan of those, but Bessa and Tony were proud to use them.

"I am, I'm chill," Tony suddenly acted cool.

"How's work been, guys?" Nicole addressed the two men.

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