Love and bad blood

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Chapter 3.
Skylar's POV.
I couldn't sleep at all last night because I was worried about Chase, but they didn't want me sleeping downstairs because they didn't want me to snore and keep him up. I have the quietest snore on Caldera!, anyway, I snuck downstairs to see him sleeping peacefully, making me get all happy and flutterly. I get nervous around him, even when he isn't awake. Then Chase started whimpering, making me run over to him. He kept muttering stuff about Adam and Leo and it made my heart break to see him like this. He finally woke up, but he quickly wiped off his face where a few tears had leaked out. He looked up at me and smiled.
"Hey, Skylar."
"How are you feeling?" I asked as I sat down beside him, letting him lean on me a bit.
"Same as yesterday." He sighed as he started playing with the blanket over him, one of the few that didn't have Mr. Davenport's face on it.
"So, do you want something to eat?" I asked, trying to break the weird tension as I stood up.
"No thanks." He sighed again as he started looking for something.
"What are you looking for?"
"I'm looking for the remote. Have you seen it?"
"No I haven't. Knowing Kaz, he probably hid it." I laughed, making Chase smile.
"Well, I'll look for it." I smiled as I ruffled his hair, making him fake glare at me before breaking out into a grin.
I opened the cabinet to grab a bagel when I saw the remote in a Ziploc bag. Laughing, I brought it over to Chase.
"There you go. Do you need anything else?" I asked gently.
"No, but thank you, Skylar." He smiled as he flipped on the TV.
I went back into the kitchen, resisting the urge to kiss his forehead, and put my bagel into the toaster when I heard Kaz and Oliver fighting about something.
"You did not win, Oliver!"
"Yes I did, and the only reason the game said you did was because you used a cheat code!"
"I don't use cheat codes unless it is against my siblings!"
"Knock it off you two!" I finally yelled, making them jump.
"What are you mad about?" Kaz asked as he grabbed a poptart out of the cabinet.
"Chase is resting and he probably doesn't want you yelling about games." I explained calmly.
Oliver just stayed quiet as he grabbed a apple off the counter and I sat down beside Chase's now sleeping figure. I gently pulled the remote out of his hands and flipped off the TV before snuggling up to him and falling asleep.
-Time skip-
I woke up to people yelling my name and as I sat up, I realized that I was on top of Chase's leg, making tears spill out of his eyes.
"Sorry! Sorry! I am so sorry!" I apologized over and over as I got up.
Bree immediately hugged him and started calming him down as Oliver pulled me out of the room.
"What is it, Oliver?" I demanded.
"I don't like you hanging around with Chase. Skylar, you and I have been friends for two years now. I was right about Expireon, so you have to believe me when I say that Chase is up to no good." Oliver explained with a few tears in his eyes.
"Oliver, Chase is a good guy. Plus I am 16. I can look out for myself. I understand you want me to be safe, but I can take care of myself." I explained.
"Skylar, I'm serious!" He yelled.
"Oliver! If anyone is no good, it's you! You hurt Chase's leg!" I yelled.
Oliver got tears in his eyes and I immediately regretted what I said.
"Oliver, I-"
"I said it was a accident. Guess you didn't believe me." He sighed before leaving.
I just damaged the team.
Skylar feels guilty! Who's side are you on?
Thanks to labratsfanforever for helping me out! Love you Mads!
Hope you guys stick around!
Over and out.

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