Get ready...for your capture

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Chapter 8.
Skylar's POV.
Bree pulled me out of the room when she came back, interrupting Chase's answer.
"What?" I demanded.
"Chase needs another surgery on his leg." She sighed.
"I kind of expected that." I told her.
"That's not all, Skylar."
"What else?"
"There is a 30% chance his leg will be paralyzed."
I gasped as I sat down, afraid my legs would collapse under me. After a few minutes, Bree brought over a glass of water.
"You ok?" She asked.
"Yeah." I told her as I took a drink before asking her a question. "Did you tell Chase yet?"
"No I was waiting on you."
I stood up and surprisingly didn't fall.
"Let's go." I sighed as we went in.
Chase grinned, but it immediately turned to a frown when he saw mine and Bree's faces.
"What's going on?" He asked.
I sighed as I went over to him and put my hand on top of his.
"Your leg was really badly damaged, Chase. You have to have another surgery." I explained.
"O-okay." He stuttered.
I immediately hugged him, trying to calm him down and he hugged me back.
"Thanks, Sky." He smiled.
"Wait. Your amnesia is gone?" I asked.
"It's been gone for about ten minutes." He told me.
Bree left, for some odd reason as I stood up, ready to leave.
"You gonna be ok?"
"Yeah I am. And Skylar?"
I went back over to him and knelt down so I was near his head.
Then he gently put his hand behind my head and softly pushed me onto his lips. I kissed him back and then stood up.
"I'll go tell Douglas that you're ready." I explained as I stroked his hair one last time before leaving.
I found Douglas about twenty minutes later and tapped his shoulder.
"Yes?" He asked.
"Chase is ready." I told him.
"Thanks for telling me, Skylar."
"Your welcome." I smiled, with hope that everything would go alright.
Douglas's POV.
I quickly scrubbed up and went into the infirmary, but Chase was nowhere to be seen.
"Chase?!" I yelled as I started looking around the room before I found a single piece of paper with the message scribbled on it.
'Your son is ours. We finally have the key to the Elite Force's undoing.'
Remembering immediately about Roman, Riker and Rodissius, I called Kaz, Oliver, Bree and Skylar down.
Be safe, Chase.
Hope you guys liked this chapter!
Special thanks to thatoneguy3333 for giving me ideas for this chapter!
Will Chase be ok? What'll happen when Oliver finds out about the kiss?
Over and out.

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