Chapter 6

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Travis's POV-

Yawning, I slowly blinked my eyes open. Underneath me, I felt soft fabric. Someone yawns below me. Katelyn?! Oh no, did I fall asleep on her. Quickly, I scramble off, feeling heat rush across my face. "Oh my Enki, I'm so sorry Katelyn! I was just tired, and-"
Katelyn gave out a huge yawn and stretched her arms. Her hair was tossled and her blue eyes still were drowsy. She looked so adorable! Wait...what?
"Please, you don't need to apologize, you'd been traumatized." Katelyn paused and looked down. "I didn't know you had such a dreary past. I wouldn't have been so mean to you then."
I froze. "She was mean to me?" I accidentally say out loud. I flushed a bright red.
Katelyn laughed. "Yeah. I'm not sure if Dante told you, but you had been a major flirt and took a certain liking to flirting with myself, and I...didn't take to kindly to it."
My heart sunk. "You didn't like me that much, did you?" I mumbled sadly.
"W-What? No, not at all! I'm a Tsundere!" She blurted, then blushed beet red.
"Tsua-wha?" I asked, the word being unfamiliar to me.
"U-uh, nothing!" Katelyn stammered. "Well, I gotta go to work, and um, yeah, bye!" And with that she was gone.

{Time skip three weeks brought to you by Katelyn's fabulous disguise skills (inherited from her fabulous Dad)}

I had three more dreams about my past.
I was placed in the orphanage. And the thing that suprised me the most was:
I had a sister.
How did I miss her, in the first memory, clutching the bars of her crib and screaming for 'Momma'? She was a few years older than me. When we got to the orphanage, we lived there for two years. I don't remember her name...but I know she was intelligent. That was evident. She even helped the owners with their finance problems.
Then a couple came. They wanted her, really badly. Not me though. They took her from me, despite her protests.
"Travis." I remember her saying, cupping her hands around my face, wiping away my tears with her thumb. "I have to go. You know I don't want to. I'll never forget you, OK? I promise I'll find you again. I love you." She hugged me tightly.
Then she was gone.
The orphanage felt bad for me, and had saved tons of money because of my sister, so they rented me an apartment for me during high school. That's all I remember...
"Hey Travis! Travis!"
"Dante?" I asked, sitting up on the hospital bed.
"Pack your bags, bud, you're heading home!"

(A/N): Do you guys want me to add Travis's sister? Comment down below if ya do ↓↓ >w<
Luv ya pineapples!!

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