Chapter 3

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September 1
"Wake up!" I nearly screeched, shaking Charlie roughly. Charlie, Bill, Fred, and George had been staying at the Riddle Manor ever since Fred, George, and my birthday. I always thought it was weird that we all have the same birthday.
"What?" Charlie asked groggily, curling back up to Bill. Fred stood up, pulling his twin with him.
"We have to get to King's Cross!" I shouted, pulling as hard as I could at Charlie's arm. My hair immediately turned deep red and I could feel my magic coming off me in waves. Charlie shot out of his lying position and smiled nervously at me. I gave him a confused look before grabbing Nag and my shruken trunk. I took my father's and Bill's hand who grabbed Charlie's hand who grabbed Fred's hand who grabbed George's hand. Bill is going into his 5th year at Hogwarts, Charlie is going into his 4th year, and Fred, George, and I are going into our first year. Dad apparated us to King's Cross. We had to say bye to my dad on the muggle station since some parents know what Tom is. I said bye to my dad once more before following Fred through the magical barrier. I held in a gasp as I caught sight of the Hogwarts train. It is magnificent. Bill grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the train. 
"Come on! We have to get an empty compartment for all of us!" Bill shouted. I chuckled and followed him. Bill, Charlie, Fred, and George are like the brothers I never had. As for the rest of the Weasleys, well, let's just say that we don't have a good history. Finally, we found an empty compartment and once we were all inside, I started placing privacy charms and other wards up so that people wouldn't be able to get in with out me letting them in. 
"Are the wards necessary, Anna?" Charlie asked. I snorted, just because Voldemort is my dad doesn't mean that I have to be regal. 
"I though that you would've learned not to trust anyone especially with my dad drilling it into all our heads." I shook my head in a disappointed gesture. 
"But you trust us." Fred pointed out. 
'With most things, but I still have secrets that only I know." I smirk evilly. Suddenly, a knock sounds on the door causing me to flinch noticeably. I undo all the wards to let the person in after coming to the conclusion that they weren't a threat. A girl with blonde hair and extremely blond eyes walked in. 
"Sorry to interrupt, but I was wondering if any of you have seen a black cat around. I seem to have lost her." The girl explained. We all shook our heads and instantly her gentle smile dropped. "Thank you anyway. My name's Anora Lestrange." Anora smiled once more in greeting, bowing her head slightly in my direction. All of my father's Death Eaters know who I am and their children know who I am. "Miss Anna, I just wanted you to know that the Slytherin house will forever protect you." Anora curtsied this time before leaving the compartment.  
"Hmm, seems like you already have the Slytherin house to do your bidding." Bill laughed. I smiled and pet Nag who hissed in delight. 
'You will always be by my side, right Nag?' I hissed to my pet. 
'Of course, master.' Nag hissed in my ear. I smirked as I threw Charlie a chocolate. 
"Eat it. You'll feel better." I told a slightly pale Charlie. He took a tentative bite and I could already see the color coming back to his face. Chocolate makes everybody feel better. Suddenly, the air got extremely cold and I could feel all the happiness being sucked out of me. I immediately jumped to my feet and headed towards the place where it felt most strong. I threw open the compartment and ran in front of the kids who seemed to be unconscious. "Expecto patronum." I whispered, my dragon erupting from wand. The dementor soon left and I left soon after running down to help more kids when I was suddenly pushed to the ground. 
"What are you doing out here?" Some brown haired girl asked. 
"Helping out, idiot." I sneered before jumping back to my feet. "Expecto patronum." I said again as another dementor tried to attack us. The girl stared at me in shock as I spun on my heel and running towards the sound of screaming. 
After what felt like hours, the dementors were gone and the train finally started moving again which I didn't know stopped in the first place, I had my head resting on Fred's lap and my feet resting on Bill's lap who decided to start giving me a massage. The compartment door opened to reveal Albus Dumbledore. "I came once I heard about the dementors." He said. I kept my eyes closed as Fred started to thread his fingers through my now purple hair. 
"You should have atleast 2 teachers on this train in case this happens again. If it weren't for me and that other girl that helped me, most of the people on this train would be extremely pale and if one of them decided to perform the Kiss, you would have a soul less child on your hands." I explained calmly, though my voice started shaking slightly at the end. 
"I will see to it, Miss Riddle." Albus said and I could almost hear the smile in his voice. I smirked tiredly before falling into the darkness that ebbed at the edge of my mind. Truly, my energy failed me now and I fell into unconsciousness. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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