Safety Town Pics

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To start out, here's a picture of Becca and I before all the kids from our first session arrives

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To start out, here's a picture of Becca and I before all the kids from our first session arrives

To start out, here's a picture of Becca and I before all the kids from our first session arrives

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Here they are!  Four outta six!  The other two didn't want to be in the pic.  In order it goes, Jennings, (With hat) Ben, Caleb, and Scarlett

  In order it goes, Jennings, (With hat) Ben, Caleb, and Scarlett

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Here's my favorite out of the group, Alana.  She's a little sweetheart but she gets upset a little bit at the beginning of class because she misses her parents but that's ok.  A few hugs later and shes fine

All the group leaders!!!  From left to right, Me, Kate, Alexis, Ashlee

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All the group leaders!!!  From left to right, Me, Kate, Alexis, Ashlee

All the group leaders!!!  From left to right, Me, Kate, Alexis, Ashlee

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