Cute Pic #16

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Hope: These will be our children.

Zyla: Did you just say we had children?

Hope: Yesh! Because Hoodie wouldn't let me dress them up.

Zyla: BEN wouldn't either.

Camie: *walks in* How are my Wifeys doing?

Hope: We are parents now.

Zyla: Hope brought babies home.

Camie: What are their names?

Sally: Milk and Cookie!

Hope: No Sally. One of them is a boy so Asher and the girl is Faith.

Zyla: Works for me.

Camie: We should warn the guys.

Hope: This should that you're new because they can walk in at anytime and talk to us.

Zyla: Yeah, its norma-

BEN: Why are there babies?!

Camie: I see what you mean now...

Masky: Camie? Why are you holding a little devil?

Hoodie: Hope, is this because I-I wouldn't let you put-t costumes on t-the babies?

Hope: No. I have no idea what you are talking about. These are our children! The three Wifeys!

Hoodie: Zyla, C-Can you hold the cookie so I-I can talk t-to H-Hope?

Zyla: Sure. *Whispers* I highly doubt your gonna just talk.

Camie: Go easy on her Hoodie!

Hope: SHUT UP! *Dragged out of the room by Hoodie*

BEN: What is it with women and babies? *Stares at the milk and cookie twins*

Zyla: BEN, sit down. *BEN sits down* Hold out your arms and cradle his head.

Camie: Masky, do what BEN is doing.

Masky: FINE! *Sits and holds baby*

BEN: Aww, he likes me. *Smiles at Asher*

Masky: Who's an adorable princess? *Rubs nose against Faith's*

Zyla: Weirdos

Camie: It is pretty cute to see the tough guys holding the babies.

Zyla: Yeah. Wait, Where's Sally?

Sally: Up here! *Hanging on fan*

Zyla + Camie: SALLY!


Camie is music_obsessed_girl. Love you Wifey!!!!

 Love you Wifey!!!!

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