Chapter 20

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Hi, everyone! Sorry for the long absence. I try to update this story every other day, since I already have it all written, but life's been getting in the way. But I noticed this story is getting some views, so I know someone's reading it, and I hate to abandon a project on you so I'm going to resume my updating schedule. Please leave a comment to tell me what you think and if you like it, please vote! Enjoy!


Professor Juniper tapped continuously on her tablet. The desert sun glowed brightly above her and her co-workers, the heat digging into their clothing. They all wore thick lab coats, but thankfully the coats were pure white and the scientists refused to wear heavy clothing underneath. This was especially true for Professor Juniper as she only wore a gleaming white tank top and a green skirt. Her auburn hair was tied in a bun on top of her head and burned brilliantly in the sunlight.

Though she ignored her co-workers and the heat as she continued to stare at the tablet in her hands, eyes narrowed. She had to find that energy source.

She vividly remembered several months ago of the incident in Castelia City, where a gigantic colony of Ventipede swarmed the city. Using Unova's scientific satellite, they found a strange, intense energy flow coming from Unova's desert, strong enough to disrupt the insect Pokémon and another other Pokémon with sensitive senses. But when they finally got all their equipment together and prepared expedition, the energy source disappeared. And now the professor finally had time to return for one last look. But unfortunately so far, they had nothing.

That was until something tapped Juniper's shoulder, snapping her out of her thoughts. She reeled around to see the face of her head assistant, David. He was several years younger than her, but had a brilliant mind and never hesitated to act on his instincts. His bushy brown hair also gleamed in the sunlight, but his brown eyes were dark and solemn. He suddenly pointed into the distance.

"Looks like we have company," he warned.

Juniper followed his gaze to see a brown jeep speeding toward them, light dust flying behind it. It took only a few moments for the car to skid to a stop in front of them. Immediately the noise of clicking and banging attracted everyone's attention as the vehicle's contents spilled out. Professor Juniper blinked at the Pokémon Rangers.

They stared at the scientists with hard expressions as they quickly approached. The woman was able to notice the traces of annoyance in their eyes.

"I believe you're in a restricted area, ma'am," a male Ranger informed.

"I wasn't aware of that," Juniper countered.

"Well, you are now."

He made a movement to touch her arm to possibly usher her away, but she immediately flinched out of his reach.

"I have clearance to be here," she protested.

"No, you don't," her antagonizer retorted stubbornly.

"I am the head professor of the Unova region! I have permission and I do have the clearance to investigate strange activity within the Desert Resort. Either leave me and my colleagues alone or escort us if it's that important."

By now the Ranger was swallowing his impatience and suppressing a sigh. He didn't have time for this... Professor Juniper was starting to notice the determination in his eyes.

"Look, ma'am," he snapped, "I am under orders, too. And my orders are not to allow anyone, even you, in this area. So if you please, leave immediately."

Professor Juniper was about to strike back until she noticed something particular. As a scientist and a social person, she had a habit of reading people like of book. First of all, these people were paler than most Rangers, who were usually tan from being outdoors so much. Second, they seemed impatient and nervous, fidgeting in place. And there was a look in their eyes...

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