Chapter 29

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Ash was beyond freezing. He wished there was a word for it. But then that really wouldn't help.

He was tucked in a tight ball, hugging his knees to his chest tightly. He even pulled his hood over his head in a desperate attempt to gain extra warmth. And no matter what he did, he couldn't stop shivering.

He was in a dark cave, the shadowed walls covered in frost. It didn't take him long to realize this was actually the very same place he dreamt of all that time ago.

Then that monster that attacked me... It was Kyurem.

He actually hadn't seen the dragon in person yet. He had awoken on the back of a Beartic only to be violently thrown into his current prison.

It was a small cave within the catacombs, a mere crevice to the gigantic caverns. It sunk in a little in a small basin, as one needed to take a step to go on the corridor outside. Guarding Ash's cell was a group of Cryogonal. They looked lifeless and glared at nothing, never acknowledging his presence.

It was only when he attempted to step out when they suddenly turned on him. It took forever for his legs to thaw out from their Ice Beams.

He was scared. He had no idea why he was here, or what his captors wanted to do with him. He honestly preferred Team Plasma or Team Rocket. Desperate for answers, he called out to Kyurem.

"Kyurem!" he roared. "Talk to me! What do you want?" When there was no reply, Ash only continued by screaming as much as his lungs could allow: "KYUREM!"

If he didn't know better, he would think the dragon didn't exist. But he knew it was there—hiding deep in the very heart of its territory. Its existence was proven by the presence that would visit him time from time. It sometimes came while he was awake, but usually invaded his mind when he was asleep. It would come from the empty void to slowly worm its way into his dreams. So Kyurem was a psychic, too.

But the powerful "Legendary" refused to talk to him.

Ash huddled in his prison, never feeling so alone in his life. He bit his lip to stop from crying.


"Why would Kyurem kidnap Ash?" Iris demanded. "To spite you?"

Reshiram shook her head. "Even Kyurem knows the consequences if he tried."

"Then I don't understand!"

"I don't understand, either."

They were still in Lacunosa Town, standing solemnly in the streets, still wondering what to do. Pikachu sulked by their side, depressed that once again he couldn't protect his trainer. Axew was doing everything he could to cheer his friend up, but his attempts were futile. While Reshiram and Iris stared at nothing, Cilan focused on the belt of Pokéballs in his hand. They were Ash's. They must have fallen during the battle. Which meant Ash was truly alone, at the mercy of a monster with bloodthirsty intentions.

Cilan was ripped from his thoughts as suddenly Reshiram perked her head up with her eyes wide, like she was startled by a noise. Her acquaintances immediately noticed.

"W-what is it?" Cilan asked nervously.

Reshiram ignored him as she whirled around, eyes narrowed. The children watched her, their anxiety rising, as her human lips curled into a snarl. She glared at something unseen to all but her. Iris and Cilan were about to demand for an answer, but she beat them to it.

"Run," she hissed through gritted teeth. "Now."

Her companions didn't hesitate to follow her orders. A word of a Legendary rules over all. The group spun around as one and sprinted through the streets at full speed. Though Iris and Cilan were still confused and startled. They were about to ask what was going on, but it wasn't necessary. In the corners of their vision, they saw flicker of movement keeping pace with them. At first they believed it may be Ash's kidnappers, but noticed the figures were pitch-black, like shadows. Like they were made of darkness themselves. Like they were wearing black.

The children's hearts almost stopped. N-no way!

They ran onto a wide, empty street. They began to flee down it, but they never made it. Suddenly up to a dozen black figures leaped out into their path, creating an intimidating roadblock. They were immediately identified. Team Rocket.

With a yelp, the group skidded to a halt. They turned on their heels to back the way they came, only to see the same number of Rockets do the same thing. In a matter of seconds they found themselves wedged between two Rocket armies and the walls of buildings in between. They were trapped.

They frantically looked back and forth, trying to observe all their enemies at once. Suddenly the first group parted as a tall, even more intimidating figure barged through. Giovanni.

Reshiram snarled viciously and looked like she was going to rip his throat out. Instead, she ordered the children through telepathy, "Cover your eyes!"

The children obeyed, digging their faces into their hands. Meanwhile, the Team Rocket army tried to near, but halted when the woman began to glow. Immediately the light intensified, forcing Team Rocket to cover their eyes to prevent going blind. Some dared to blink, only to go back to squeezing them shut.

Through the brightness, they heard a human roar to turn into one of a dragon's. Like some weird evolution, her arms grew in wings. Her torso became larger and her neck longer, ending in a snout. Her legs widened and grew a set of deadly claws. A turbine-shaped tail grew from her back. With a final roar, the light faded, and the Legendary Dragon was revealed.

Eager to fight, the Rockets quickly uncovered their eyes only to freeze. They were not expecting this. The children and their Pokémon were much slower to uncover their vision, but Reshiram's snap brought them out of it.

"Get on!" she ordered.

The children scurried to her side. Being greatly agile, Iris was able to get on with just a single leap. Cilan was far clumsier as he scrambled hastily on her back. Most of Team Rocket stayed in place, and those who dared to near were greeted with the Legendary's snarls and teeth.

The moment her passengers were on, not even fully settled, she braced herself to launch into the air. But when the dragon looked up into the sky, she was immediately filled with dread.

Hovering over them with loud roars were three pitch-black helicopters. They appeared like predators eagerly waited to snap at their prey. Reshiram snarled.

If she was alone, she could easily get out of this. Either by destroying the helicopters in seconds or crushing the human army before her. But she couldn't. Not without her companions being hurt or even killed. They were trapped. She had been trapped.

The all-powerful Legendary lowered her head.

Giovanni grinned.

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