Chapter 6

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That's what this mornings newspaper said in big bold letters on the front cover. I reach over and grab it from the silver tray the maid had just brought to me and open it to read the story of Jack the Ripper. 

'As many know Mary Ann Nichols was found brutally murdered and mutilated in Buck's Row last month. Now there has been a second murder similar to Nichols' and the police have tied the two together. The latest victim's name was Annie Chapman. We believe this monster is targeting prostitutes in the East End of London, as both Nichols and Chapman were know in that area for selling themselves.

From the way he has killed these two women, the locals have dubbed him "Jack the Ripper."'

This is my work. The London News is talking about me. Wow.

"Horrible, innit?" The maid said beside me. I haven't excused her yet.

"Yes. Very." I respond as I waved her off and she heads back into the kitchen. 

*      *       *

I glance woefully at the mountain of paper work on my desk as I read over what had to me the thirtieth document I've read in the last hour. God, someone please just give me any reason to not have to go through the rest. 

There's a loud knock at my door. Thank God.

"Come in." The door opens and in steps my old friend Chief Inspector Frederick Abberline. 

"Hello, John. How are you?" He greets me with a cheery smile.

"I'm very well, Frederick. And you?" I return his cheery smile and greeting.

"I'm fantastic." He's almost bouncing out of his boots.

"Really? What for, if you don't mind my asking?" Color me intrigued. 

"I caught a big case in the Yard and when I solve it I just might get another promotion. It's almost guaranteed." He was so ecstatic it almost made me sick.

I put on a bight smile, "That's great. What case is it?" 

"The Jack the Ripper case." He says as he walks over to the Brandy and pours himself a glass. 

"What?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Yeah, I know. Stupid name they gave him. But that doesn't matter because they won't know it for long. He'll be gone soon." Frederick turns to me with a smug smile. "I'm going to catch him and I'm going to get that promotion." 

"Wow. Well I wish the best of luck to you. If you even need it." The dumbfounded look now gone from my face. But I still hold some panic in my heart. Frederick is one of the best policemen of his time, if I'm not careful he'll find out that it's me. 

"Thank you, but you're right. I don't need it." The smug smile is still on his face as he sits down in one of the chairs on the opposite side of my desk.

He worries me. That's the reason he keeps getting promoted. There has never been a case he couldn't solve. I push my fears to the back of my head and get up and walk over the shelf to get myself a Brandy as well. 

I make my way back to my seat and hold up my glass to toast him in his future victory. "May good things come, my friend." I smile and say as I sit down. 

"Oh they will." He smiles back and our glasses clink together. 

"So how is your wife." His smile gets brighter as he delves into his home life and everything that has happened in the time since our last visit. 

I heard everything. Their trip to Italy. His wife's new summer wardrobe. I listened intently with a small smile on my face and thought of Frances. I was imagining its was us on the vacation, it was her getting a new wardrobe, and us being happy together. 

But then my mind drifted to her husband and those things. Immediately my mood darkened. 

"John, old man. Are you all right?" He gave me a concerned and confused look.

I shook my head. "Yes. Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" I tried desperately to shove my dark mood into a corner.

"I'm not sure. You just seemed off for a moment there." Concern was lacing his voice and all over his face. 

"Oh, don't worry about it, Frederick. I'm just exhausted. All this work I have to do and so little sleep to do it on." I play it off and sincerely hope he buys it. 

"Oh. In that case let me allow you to get your sleep." He stands to leave and I thank the heavens because he bought it.

I walk him silently to the front door. Before he leaves he turns to me.

"Get some sleep, John. Goodnight." We shake hands.

"I will, don't worry. Goodnight, Frederick." He  walks out the door and I stand there in the door way and watch him leave. We had talked for so long the sun had already gone down. He waves to me once he reaches the street and I wave back. 

As I close the door and make my way to my study, I think of Frances and what we could have been. This time I don't think of any thing else. Not her husband. Not his things. And I'm content for a while. Even hours later, after all my work is done, I'm still thing about her and out fantasy future. For once in a very long time I go to bed with a smile on my face and just before I drift of to sleep, I hear Frances' voice. 

"You're doing the right thing, John." Her voice is so sweet and comforting. It always has been.

"I know, my love." I respond.

"Then don't stop." 

"I won't," and with those last words I am asleep and dreaming of Frances.

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