Chapter 1: A Simple Introduction

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A/N: Ahhh, it has been a while since I have taken on a big project, and I hope I have enough motivation to keep this going~! This was most likely based off an AU on tumblr or something, but hey, things get lost in the realms of time and space, so I don't remember EXACTLY where this little idea popped up. I hope that summary made sense up on front, and if you are reading up to this far, thank you! I truly appreciate it! For people coming from "Coffee Shop" this is a completely different timeline, but revolving around the same ship if not more. Finally, just a disclaimer that none of the characters are mine, but the creator of Hetalia, Hime-papa, and that everything will be 13+ because of language.  Again, I hope you enjoy this fan fiction, and leave a vote or comment for feedback or just simple encouragement. Bye for now! 

Matthew William's POV:

Hockey is my life.

There is no other way of looking at such an important piece of information. 

The sound of the skates against the cold surface, the way the sticks hit the ice every so often, the smoothness of a freshly shaved rink, and oh, that Tim Hortons coffee that is offered after every practice, now THAT is what I call "living the life." Also, the fact that my brother, Al, can join me makes the experience so much more fun, simply because I am so good at the wonderful sport that I can just rub that fact in his face almost every day. Life surely is beautiful, isn't it?

That is what I thought too, until that one, TERRIBLE day. 

"Hey bro! You up for more practice today? I'm SURE that I can beat you this time!" Punching my shoulder, he grinned widely. "I was practising with Ivan last night, so SURELY, I must have improved by now, right?"

Laughing at such a foolhardy explanation, I nodded. "Fine. If you really did think that way, then whoever loses treats the other to coffee. Deal?" In the back of my mind, I knew that, though I did win, I would buy the coffee, so I don't make him feel so bad about his skills. That, and I needed to rack up more points for the big reward of hockey tickets for two. So close, yet so far. Just 150 more Timmie stars to go. 

"Alrighty then! Deal! I WILL win this time, just you watch me bro! I won't let Ivan down today, that's for sure!" Rushing off to the ice, I quickly finished lacing up my skates before meeting up with him too. That is, until I ran into some taller figure. 
"A-ah, sorry! I didn't mean to--"
"Watch where you are going next time." 
Looking up, I was met with a tall, handsome man glaring down at me. Smiling, his frown only deepened. "What are you doing here? It's six in the morning. Rink's closed."
Taken aback by the man's rude nature, I stuttered a bit. "I'm just practising with my brother, that's all. Moreover, are you not contradicting yourself because--"

"This isn't your rink anymore, it's ours."
Feeling my mood sour quickly, I spat back, "Oh yeah, what makes you say that? You don't own this place, and neither do I! So this place is--"
"For figure skaters only. Now move." Shoving me aside, the man just strode over to his locker, completely disregarding my presence. 
"Hmph, if that is the way he wants to be, I'll let him be that way. No one, and I mean NO ONE will be getting in the way of me and my brother's hockey time. ISN'T THAT RIGHT AL?" 
"Heck yeah! Now come on! The ice just finished cleaning itself! Time to get skating, don't you think?!" Smiling once again, I quickly caught up to my sibling, and soon surpassed him. "Heh, need to work on  your speed, don't ch'a think?" 
Panting, he growled. "Not my fault I have low stamina. By the way, you know that guy back there? He's a meanie, let me tell you that! I swear he was muttering something mean behind my back as I passed by him! If you weren't here, I swear I would have--" 

Cutting him off, I grabbed the hockey stick and quickly turned around, much to the other's dismay. Trying to stop himself, I tackled him in a big hug. "Ah, don't worry about him, Al! He's just having a bad day, I'm sure of it! Now come on, back to the game!  I want my coffee, you know?"
Instantly forgetting the anger he held within him, he chuckled. "And what makes you think that I'll pay? Game on!" 

**3 and a half hours later...**

"Ah, darn it! I lost again! How could you, you little cheater! I bet you had some secret training behind my back or something. Is it one of those Canadian things you have inside of you? Those...those genes?!" 
Smirking, I took a long, satisfactory sip out of my paper cup. Coffee does taste good after a long, fun workout. Especially when one has 125 Timmie Points left before those dream tickets, that's for sure. 
Huffing, Al looked out the window, contemplating something. "Say, you really didn't know the guy back at that rink over there? Honestly, don't lie to me here." 
Placing down my cup, I shook my head. "No, I didn't. What did he say to you anyways? Was it something rude?" 
"No, no... it was just his... aura, you know? So menacing, so raw, I felt like he was going to hurt me if I didn't get off the ice or something..." Looking a bit upset, I placed a reassuring hand over his. 
"Don't worry, Al. I'll protect you, no matter what. Nothing will--"

"I heard that there was a nuisance going on with my boyfriend, da?" 

Freezing up, I slowly looked up, meeting eyes with a certain Russian who was towering over me. "He-hey Ivan. How's it going?" 

Keeping that same smile going, he tilted his head a bit. "Good good. Now, who's this man that is hurting little Alfie here?" 

Pouting, my brother looked away, his face flushed red. "I-I'm not little! And,  and nothing is wrong!" Resting his head on his hand, he sighed. "What are you doing here anyways?" 
Patting his head, I made a face. I wasn't here to witness some make out scene, you know? I had eyes too, that I wished to keep intact. 

"I just wanted to tell you about that new figure skating team that had just arrived in town. You know, the one that 'disrupted your game?'" 
Ears perking up, I leaned forward. "You know them?"

Completely ignoring me (that was usual by now, those two lovebirds), he kept talking. "That team leader, Lars Van Willem, is a new guy to this town. So he might be a bit stand-offish to you guys at the rink. I heard that back at home, little Al, he owned the place. He probably thinks that about here too. Don't let that little bug get in your way, OK?" Kissing him on the cheek, my brother cracked a small smile. "I'll show him. Just you wait, Ivan. I'll prove to him that he doesn't own ANYTHING."

"That's my little eagle." Wrapping his arms around the other's waist, I got up and left, mumbling something like, "See you back at the house or something."
Down the road, as I was not paying attention to where I was going, I ran into a familiar figure. 

"Oh. It's you." 

A/N: DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNNN. Hope you enjoyed!

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