Chapter 2: Confrontations

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A/N: Ahhh, summer vacation! More time to write things, and by that, this story in particular. I really hope you guys are liking it so far, even if it is 30 people. Point is, reader, that you are cool and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Matthew William's POV:
"Oh. It's you."
Looking up at the tall Dutch asshole, I clenched my teeth. "Well, excuse me then." Trying to walk around him, he grabbed my arm, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"I expect that you will be out of the rink by tomorrow then."
Turning around, I crossed my arms. "Really now, Mr. I-own-the-world? You want me out by tomorrow? You just arrived here! You can't boss me around! You don't even own that place!"

In that moment, I swear I saw him flash an eerie smile. "Well, that is where you are wrong. My brother owns that place, thus, making me have every right to it."
Exasperated, I regained my posture. There was no way in heaven above that this man would own my second home. "You're lying."
Pulling out his phone and typing in something, he showed me none other than the rink's homepage. "You must be blind if you want see the owner's name on there."
Adjusting my glasses, I gasped. "L-Luca..Van..."
"Stop butchering his name. Now, I will restate what I said. I don't need to see you, nor your brother, anymore after today. Do I make myself clear?"
Biting my lip, I shoved past the taller man and ran home.
There was no way I was giving up my right to go wherever I want to, especially to my beloved rink.
"Hey dude, you ready yet?"

Packing up the last of my equipment, I nodded. "Yup. Just give me a moment, please." Picking up the bullhorn, I smiled. "Ahh, thank goodness for yard sales. I thought that I would never use this."
Taking the thing out of my hands, Al examined it. "And why do you need it? You're not going out to protest, are you?" Laughing loudly, he quickly stopped once he saw my expression. "'re not, right?"
Shrugging, I rolled my eyes. "Maybe, maybe not. I mean, after what HE said to me, I think yeah, maybe we do need to replan some things."
Mouth agape, he tried to argue. "D-dude, it's only one guy. Well, and his team, but come on! Come to your senses! I hate to say this bro, but you aren't acting like yourself! " Shaking me as if I was a doll, he looked at me dead in the eye. "H-he didn't do anything to harm you, right? Because if he did, I swear I will--"
Jumping in, I rolled my eyes. "Of course he didn't! I'm just a tad bit upset of his power of us, you know? He can't control us, he can't do anything! So, I'm just going to, well, you know, complain a bit." Walking to the car, I threw my belongings in the back. "Hurry or I'm leaving without you!"
Upon arrival, I was horrified to see the parking stalls already full. That wasn't something I was so used to, especially at 6:30 in the morning.
"Duuddeee... we have to park so far away!! You know how I feel about walking!"

Gritting my teeth, I circled around to find an open space. No such luck. "Sorry Al. Just for today, do you mind if we made an extra trek?"
Huffing, he crossed his arms and pouted. "Fine. But just this once! And bring that bullhorn with you. I have a few things to say to that mister."

Pulling to a small side street near the rink, I parked my car and grabbed my belongings. "Here Al. Go in first. I'll lock up here."

Following my instructions, he soon left, making sure his complaints audible to the surrounding people. On the other hand, I was silently cursing the tall man, hoping he will trip over his skates or something. A familiar voice broke my train of thoughts. "OH MY GOODNESS MATTIEBOO! IS THAT YOU?!"
Horrified, I turned around. That voice. That nickname. It couldn't be...
"WAHHHH, Mattie, it is you!"
Tackled by a big hug, Emma spoke a million words a minute. "Ican'tbelievethatyouarealiveandwellImissedyousomuchandIwassoworriedthatIcriedeverydayokIcried every single day. ManhowareyouIamfinemyselfyouknowgotafewboyfriendshereandtherebutthosearen'timportantatallwhataboutyougothitchedyetagirlfriendaboyfriendwowit'sbeenaverylongtimeandyouseemhealthy. Thatpancakedietisn'tsuitableforyou, youknowpersonallyIlikewafflesbutthat'sjustmyopinion. I'm just judging you, that's all."
Flashing a grin, I readjusted my bag. "Well, I'm fine, Emmy, thanks for asking. Still practising my hockey skills, but--"

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