The Cheese to My Macaroni

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Hi guys! It's been forever hasn't it? It's not like anyone's reading anyway hahaha. But that's okay it's a relatively new story. Anyway lets get into this chapter.

Mrs. Sauber, Amelie's mom, snored almost as loudly as their German shepherd barked. The Sauber's had a German shepherd, not because they were erman, which they were, but because Mr. Sauber had a thing for huge dogs. Axel was a very sweet dog when he wasn't trying to eat me alive. The first time I came over Amelie's house that dog bit the hell out of my shin. Since that day forth every time I come over old Axel gets the boot.

Shifting slightly in my sleep, I can feel myself unintentionally smack my arm over Amelie's face. She moans in her sleep as she shoves it off. I glace at the alarm clock through my half asleep eyes. It's only four am so I drift back to sleep.

"Aufwachen du dumme Kinder(Wake up you stupid children)!" Is the next thing I hear being yelled down the hall.

Amelie sighs a very dramatic sigh before yelling back, "Seien Sie ruhig Mutter wir versuchen zu schlafen(Be quiet mother we're trying to sleep)!"

"Du bist ein Narr respektlos(You are a disrespectful fool)!"

"Ich weiß, Sie sind, aber was bin ich(I know you are but what am I)!" Amelie's smirk tells me she won whatever this argument was.

I ask her curiously, "What was that all about?"

"Just my mom being her usual bitchy morning self."

I quickly jump out of the bed and rush to the bathroom door, "I call the first shower."

"You whore," she says playfully.


On our way to school I can't help but think about Vince Van Dick... I mean Van Dyck. He's a complete ass and I guarantee he's going to have ninety-nine percent of the junior class swooning over him. Boys and girls included. I'm apart of that one percent that will not be caught in his shenanigans.

North Grove High was your run of the mill, disgusting high school. The most popular girl I guess you could say was Meghan Della Ray. Her dad had an affair with some woman named Meg so she has everyone call her Della to keep from remembering that terrible time in her past. We were friends way back in grade school but we've since gone our separate ways.

A slight twinge of nervousness passes through me every time I walk past her. Only this time, I can feel her eyes follow me all the way to my locker. I drop my bag and quickly open my locker, nearly stuffing my face into it. The familiar clacking of her janky stilettos sends my nervousness into a downward spiral. I'm so nervous my sweat is sweating.

"Well well, if it isn't little miss queef," she says in a not so friendly voice.

"Leave me alone...Meghan. That happened in like kindergarten."

Her eyes turn to slits, "Listen here ass-wipe. My name is Della."

"Okay...but you act more like a Meghan to me." I almost smirk at the thought of my saying something so snarky.

"Why don't you just do us all a favor and *poof* disappear little Ray."

"You came over here to bother me okay, I was just standing her."

"See now that, is exactly your problem. You standing here in you crappy outfit and your crappy shoes...ugh, well it's giving me a headache. I'm sure all of us would really love it if you would just vamoose."

Amelie returns to my side to rescue me, " If either one of us is going to *poof* disappear, it should be you," she leans in a little closer and whispers, "Little Meg."

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