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Before this starts just wanted to let yall know that the girl on the left is Amelie(Cara Delevigne) and the one on the right is Reagan(Barbara Palvin)

"Ray!" I can hear my mom yelling my name. I completely ignore her as I'm stuck in a pool of my own thoughts.

But sadly, I can't ignore her forever. I quickly get out of the shower and throw on the first pair of comfy clothes that I see. Rushing down the steps I almost fall.

As I walk through the kitchen I can't help but notice how frazzled my mom is. When she finally realized my presence, she sighs.

"Reagan Reese Archer! I've been calling you for ages! I leave for 4 days and come back to this? The house is a mess, I get a call from Bree's teacher saying she hasn't been doing her homework, and there is dog shit--lord forgive me-- in that corner! Care to explain?" She taps her foot awaiting my response.

My face has remained utterly expressionless throughout her rant. I begin to explain ever so monotonously, "Well first of all, I would really appreciate you lowering your voice, and second, I've been busy."

"You've been busy? You've been busy?! That's your explanation?!"

"Well...yeah. I don't understand what you expect me to say. I made sure she got to school, I made sure she got home. You expected me to make sure she did her homework too? I do have my own life to think about you know. And I almost died coming down then steps by the way." I start for my bedroom. I'm late for work as it is.

"I can never leave you to do anything on your own...You are just so irresponsible! No wonder your dad left us!"

Her words stop me in my tracks. I stomp back to the kitchen and just stand there, attempting not to say something I would regret. But it's too late. I word vomit the most smelly, grotesque word vomit known to man.

"Are you seriously trying to blame dad's leaving on me! If you think that he left because of me and Bree then you are seriously in denial!" I take a deep breath, "Did you ever stop to think that he left because he couldn't stand you?! The thought of being with you? The thought of loving someone so vain? No mom! You are the reason he left! Because that's just what you do! You drive people insane and they leave! He didn't leave us mom, he left you!"I stomp my way back up the stairs. It's not until I reach the top of the staircase that I realize how harsh I just was.

I hesitate continuing to my room, or going back downstairs to apologize but I'm not going back down there. That was just something she needed to here.

Throwing on my uniform I leave the house and all its tensions behind. My broke down beetle, despite it needing a good fresh coat of paint, was my most prized possession. Sadly I can't drive it to work, or anyplace, until I can somehow scrounge up enough money to fix it working at the country club. I was going to ask my mom for help paying but due to recent circumstances...

Any mom is renting a car for me. Don't ask me why she rented me a car instead of just fixing mine. It's the principle I guess.


My best friend Amelie was already waiting for me outside the country club, "Why'd you wait out here? Now you're late too."

"Oh, sweety, pumpkin, Ray my girl. Obviously you've mistaken me for someone who gives a shit." Amelie was a bad ass by definition. She was pretty yet intimidating so no one would dare approach her. But she was a really cool person and sweet only to me. Despite her very obvious lack of punctuality or interest in this job, they have yet to fire her for reasons unknown.

Walking into the country club was a decision I regretted everyday. A place filled with prissy, filthy rich, high maintenance people whose children will never know the horror of waking up every other day to  work at a place that barely pays minimum wage just to make a few hundred dollars to fix a car. But, alas, I need the money so I have no choice.

My favorite part of this whole job is getting gross, wet rich people towels thrown at me and taking them to the laundry room to get more towels to take to the still wet, gross rich people. I know I probably sound like I absolutely despise rich people, but I don't. Heck, I'm almost rich seeing as my mom is moving up the ranks in her job. But, I just can't stand people who are privileged and don't understand or appreciate it.

Two hours into work and Amelie is nowhere to be found. I check the kitchen, her favorite place to eat all the food. I check the bathroom, her favorite place to do bathroom things, and I check the poker lounge, her favorite place to nap before poker hour. I realize that she's probably on the roof, her favorite place to...well I have no idea. I just know she loves to go up there.

Lo and behold, there she was sitting on the ledge. "Amelie, can you stop 'not giving a shit' for hour and help me with the people around the indoor pool?" I ask very subtly.

She turns around to look at me but turns back around almost as quickly, "Aren't roofs just so peaceful. No one can ever bother you up here." She hops down from the ledge and starts towards me, "Sure, I'll help you with the snobby people who can't help themselves."

The indoor pool is a pretty exclusive area. Only certain people were allowed according to the sign. Like political people, or people who came often enough to get the club gold card, or people-- my thoughts are cut off by my hormones. Amelie beats me to my words.

"Wowzah! That guy is suffering from a lack of vitamin ME!" I look at her with a look of confusion. She gasps very loudly, "Holy fucking hell! He's suffering from a lack of vitamin YOU! Go talk to him!"

"Are you out of your ever loving mind?! Look at him, and look at me."

"Honey you're gorgeous, maybe not in this uniform but with a little blush you'd be golden! You and Parker broke up ages ago and you're still single as a pringle that's ready to mingle."

"I am not single as a mingling pringle, I'm choosing to be forever alone." I smile a cheesy smile just in case she wasn't reassured by my witty comeback.

Then, this whore of a friend does the most embarrassing thing...she whistles at him. WHISTLES! Not a regular whistle, but a whistle that a guy would throw at a girl. She's such a traitor.

I hope to high hell that he didn't hear that oh so embarrassing whistle, but just as Amelie is scurrying away, he diverts his attention to me. The scrawny towel girl holding a pile of towels. For some god forsaken reason he gets out of the pool and walks toward me. Stopping in front of me, he flashes me a body melting smile. I notice that his eyes are the most gorgeous light blue. Complimenting his dark hair and very, very fit figure.

"Hi, I'm Vince."


And that's the end of that. Did I do well? I think I did okay. Read the first 'part' of the book to get to know the characters more.

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