Toothpick of A Tree

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Before this starts sorry for the lack of a picture. My laptop is acting up so I had to use my phone to finish out this chapter.

Woah woah woah never mind I figured it out lol 😭😭
Vince. What a phenomenal name. He pushes his hair back. If I was brave like Regina George I would totally tell him that his hair looks sexy pushed back. sexy.

"I heard you whistle at me. What's your name?"

"Um...ha...uh...well It's R...R...Reagan. But my friends call me Ray." I know for a fact he heard my gross stammering and the shakiness in my voice. Heck, they heard it all the way in Beijing.

"Ray? Seriously? Isn't that a guys name?"

Well that was offensive. I was expecting a smooth cheesy picky up line. Not him uni-sexing my name. I gasp a pretty quiet gasp. I know he hears it when his facial expression goes from confusion to smirk. I roll my eyes and begin to walk away. He swiftly grabs my wrist and pulls me back.

"Aw don't be offended. I know a lot boy-girls."

I opened my mouth in utter flabbergast. I couldn't believe it, "You're an ass! I actually thought you were cute for just a smidge of a second, but forget it. I change my mind!"

I could tell that he was about to say something cocky when he lifted his arms to show his 'guns' or what have you. He pushed his hair back again, but this time slower, sexier, he even bit his lip a little. My eyes were staring so hard they almost popped out of my head and rolled half way to hell.

"You no longer think this," He gestured to himself, "Is sexy."

"Excuse me sir, I said cute. And get out of my way I have work to finish." He was such a cocky fucktard. How dare he call me a boy-girl. I may not be the most girly of the girls but I'm feminine enough.

Amelie could tell that I was a little upset. "What's wrong girly?"

"Well that guy you whistled at is actually quite the jerk. He called me a boy-girl." I say the last part in a whiny voice.

She tries to hold back a laugh and fails miserably, "For what reason could he possibly call you a boy girl."

"I told him my friends call me Ray and he asked if that was a guy name." I practically mumble.

"HAHAHAA! You are a mess. Come on work is almost over and no one's here. Lets go home watch some Netflix, order a pizza, get some candy."

"That sounds so majestic."

"You have got to stop saying that. Like is being a dweeb a profession? or are you just good at it?"

"You know, I love that our friendship is based on the importance of insulting each other constantly." I say sarcastically.

"I love you too knucklehead." She gives me a noogie that I hate with a passion.


Going home this evening was a pain. I'm feeling a lot more guilty now about what I said to my mom. When I walk through the door my little sister Bree is standing there as if she was waiting on me. Once she notices me she looks up in complete disgust.

"I hate you right now. You really pissed mom off and now she won't even take me to my party." Bree says. I think I saw her eye twitch a little which kind of freaks me out.

I scoff, "And what party could you, my adolescent 14 year old sister, possibly be going to?"

"What party?! Only the coolest party of the year! Cecily Williams is celebrating her sweet 15."

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