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Taehyung's POV

I'm still not sure what's going on. Why? Why would Yoongi hyung cry like that? Where's Jimin? Where's Seokjin and Hoseok hyung?

I tried calling them but Jimin's phone is here, which is weird since he's not the type of person who leaves his phone. He carries it everywhere. Seokjin and Hoseok hyung's phone  can't be reached.

I know something is wrong.

I heard someone sobbing and I looked at Yoongi hyung. He's awake. And he's crying again.


"Someone took Jimin."


"Hyung, what are you saying?"

"Where's Jimin's phone?"

I handed him the phone. He unlocked it and kept on scrolling. His tears won't stop falling.

"H-hoseok and Seokjin's hyung's dead."

"What? Hyung, that's not a good joke."

I regret saying those words. Why would he even fool around? He's crying. Then that means...


He gave me the phone and I started reading Jimin's conversation with... Jungkook? Who's Jungkook?

Why am I not aware that my bestfriend's  being stalked?

What's the meaning of this?

H-hoseok hyung?

Someone followed me too?

Seokjin hyung...

"I don't understand. I already reported it to the police. They told me that they captured him already. What's this?"


"We have to find Jimin. Taehyung, help me please. We need to find him."

"Yes hyung. We'll find him."

YOU ARE MINE // JiKook [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now