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Third person's POV

"Hyung!! Where are you going?!" Yoongi asked. When they entered the room, Seokjin's already up.

"Yoongi I'm fine. I don't want to stay here. I want to go home."

"But hyung. Are you really okay now?"

"I'm fine Jimin. I'd rather rest in the house than here. You know I don't like hospitals."


"Guys. Can I borrow Jimin for a while? I mean, I think he's not safe in your house, no offense Seokjin hyung. And I want to spend more time with Jimin now that he's back."

"Although you know that I can't sleep when I know Jimin or Hoseok is not around, okay, I'll let you. I understand. You need time with each other after what happened."

"Thank you Seokjin hyung. And guys, another favor. Can we not talk about it anymore? About what happened? Let's just move on and forget it. I told the police what happened and they're the ones who'll take actions with that. Let's just not interfere and act as if nothing happened. I just want to return everything to the way they were."

Told the police? Tch. Who are you kidding? I know you all too well. You want to project Jimin. You won't tell them. What are you planning Yoongi?

Everyone nodded.

"Wait Yoongi hyung. So Jimin will stay in your house?"

"Yes Hoseok."

"But... What if Jungkook attacks again? You're only two. What if he's armed?"

"Hoseok has a point tho. Instead of Jimin staying in your house, why not You stay in our house?" Seokjin added.

"But.... Okay."

Of course you're going to say that. So you can watch me. Sadly, you don't know me so how will you? Ha!

"Wait??!!! How 'bout me?!"  Taehyung pouted.

"Of course you can come Tae." Seokjin said.

All five of us in the same roof? Exciting.

YOU ARE MINE // JiKook [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now