Brown-Eyed Boy.

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(Dedicated to a very special someone 😘)
I'd always had a thing for blue eyed boys, and well, just blue eyes in general. They hold the depth of the ocean and the vastness of the sky; every love song seems to be written about them. I always just thought blue eyes were pretty-and don't get me wrong they are- but I no longer favor them.
My opinion changed the moment I looked into your eyes. They were copper against sage and honey; a perfect mixture of amber and onyx. They were two glowing embers; two orbs the shade of nature after it rains. It's almost as if your irises hold the warmth of a summer sunset and your pupils contain the magnitude of a black hole. I could stay lost in your eyes every second of every minuet of every hour of every day, but really I wouldn't lost at all;the one place I feel at home is with you

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