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"Were advancing winterfell sir "a guard said.

the Carriage stop for a second and her father hop off his horse  walk to her and open the carriage door
"Would you like to ride up front"Lord Jaran asked

"Oh yes father "Anarella exclaim climbing out of the carriage much to her mother dismay and on her black horse named Midnight

Anarella look around the village of Enchanted by it beauty  .

"Are we there yet"Lyla asked impatiently

"Yes were here now "Lord Jaran said to his daughters.

Anarella look up from her horse to see to a family standing in front of the Stark castle the place tool her breath away it was covered in the purest of snow it was like something she read in her story book

"Good to see you old Friend"her father said to Lord stark interlocking him in a manly hug

"I would like introduce my family"Lord jaran said
walking up to the horses where his family was
"My oldest son Orwen " Jaran said as Orwen dismounted his horse stepping forward Boeing slightly

"My Eldest daughter Anarella " Anarella eye snap up she out of her daydreaming state  as she dismounted her horse and walked forward gracefully.
Anarella smiled going into s low

Curtsy Jon snow glaze immediately went to her as soon as she dismounted the horse.

Anarella was zoned out taking in the beauty of the castle while Lord Stark introduce his family Anarella was bought out of her daydreaming state by her mother laugh

"My daughters seems to not be with us how about we go discuss wedding details while they introduce them selves"Arecel said nudging her daughter.

Anarella blushed giving a sheepish smile as the two pairs of adults walk inside

Anarella look at the stark children and the ward giving thrm a sweet but nervous smile (Gif)

Anarella walked forward towards them "I'm Anarella and this is Lyla "Anarella said sweetly putting a arm around Lyla pulling her to her side

The eldest Stark son stepped forward"I'm Robb pleasure to meet you"Robb said grabbing Anarella free hand placing a kiss on it. Anarella smiled and went down the line of people
"I'm Sansa "a girl with red hair she truly was a tully beauty

Anarella smiled "nice to meet you Sansa "Anarella said curtsying

Anarella lastly stop at boy with a head full of black curls
"I'm Jon pleasure to meet you"he said he said almost coldly


Anarella"Anarella said taking his hand
Jon kissed her hand lightly causing her breath to Hitch

"Welcome to winterfell"

I know this chapter is a little rough but I'm just trying my best I'm really bad at Chapters where the two characters finally meet each other because there's so much pressure in that one little scene but I hope you enjoyed it either way please correct me if I get the name wrong on any of the Game of Thrones characters

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