Anarella never thought about marriage in all her sixteen years she considered it a death sentence but when She is arrange to marry Jon Snow her views start to change will they be for better or for worse only time will tell
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-sixteen years later-
Anarella stabbed at her brother again but miss "You have to try harder then that Rella"Orwen her Brother taunted her
Anarella growled stabbing at him but miss again due to him dodgingquickly causing her to fall face first into the snow.
"Mommy Going to kill you Ana "her little sister Lyla said she pointing at her rip in her dress
"I'll be Fine "Anarella said before her mother called her name "I hope "Anarella smiled ruffling her hair before running towards her mother voice.
Arecel smiled at her daughter when she reached her "Anarella I wanted to talk to you I told you about the alliance with the Starks right "Arecel asked gently
Anarella Nodded "Yes why"Anarella asked she couldn't think up a reason to why her mother would be bringing this up
"Because the alliance was a marriage"Arecel said.
"Orwen getting married how sweet Sansa a good girl I hear even though he a bit older then her it should work "Anarella said perfectly clueless.
"Dear girl it you who getting married not Orwen "Arecel said putting a hand on her shoulder
"Me your kidding I'm sixteen I'm not ready I have a lot of life to live and to whom may I ask "Anarella said angrily
"Jon snow and It not a death sentence Anarella"Arecel said trying to calm her daughter
"But isn't it "Anarella storming off to her room leaving Arecel there sighing.
~*~ -Next morning-
Anarella woke up to her handmaiden knocking on the door
"Lady Anarella may I come in"her handmade asked softly
"Come in Rose"Anarella said standing up from her bed rose was a sweet girl from dorne she was her handmaiden as long as she could remember
"Your mother asked me you get you ready I pack your clothes last night my lady"rose said
Anarella rolled her eyes " what have I told you about formality"Anarella asked
"Sorry Anarella"rose said.
"I wonder what Jon snow like"Anarella said
"From what I heard he very handsome"Rose giggled lacing up the back of Anarella dress
" I don't care what he looks like what if he t doesn't treat me well"Anarella sighed
"He a Stark and son of a lord I'm sure he gentile and Fair"Rose reassure the girl
" Jofferybaratheon is the son of a kimg and you see how he is"Anarella said
"let hope he nothing like joffery "Rose said with a shudder
"Anarella hurry up"Lyla called
Anarella hugged her friends goodbye And got on her black horse she would rather ride all night on the horse instead of in that stuffy carriage
The villagers wave goodbye "Goodbye Lady darmoon " a villager called