Anarella never thought about marriage in all her sixteen years she considered it a death sentence but when She is arrange to marry Jon Snow her views start to change will they be for better or for worse only time will tell
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~*~ After Anarella small introduction with rest the stark children Her mother quickly rushed her inside the castle much to her dismay she was enjoying herself despite Jon and her glaring at each other.
"Mother why are you rushing me inside"Anarella asked her mother
"You have to get ready for the feast"Arecel told her daughter
Anarella was still confused "Your marriage and the Lannister so be on your very best behavior they don't like us very much"Arecel said
"You mean They don't like anyone but their siblings"Anarella said.
Arecel Eyes widen at her daughter crude remake but let out a quiet laugh. "You better put that mouth of yours away before the feast "Arecel said pushing Anarella inside her bedroom.
Anarella smirked "of course mother"Anarella said before her mother closed the door.
"How about this dress Milady"Rose asked Anarella showing her a beautiful dress that was dark almost black purple with golden detailing on the sleeve and a thin line of gold stitching around the waist.
Anarella smiled grabbing the dress laying it on the bed covered in fur blankets.
"It's beautiful thank you "Anarella said softly
"Oh and Milady your bath water ready"Rose said pouring the hot water in the brass tube
Anarella smiled walking over to the brass tube pulling her dress over her head setting it on her bed before stepping into the warm water and going under the water after a couple seconds Anarella came back up gasping wiping off her faced sitting up.
"I met Jon Snow "Anarella said sparkling a conversation
"And"Rose hummed
"He was rather cold "Anarella said
"Where you Cold to him " Rose Asked putting oil in Anarella hair
"No but I don't care if he doesn't like me "Anarella said with a Huff.
"Maybe he just nervous try meeting him half way"Rose said helping Anarella out of the bathtub handing her a towel
"What does he have to be nervous about and Maybe "Anarella said taking the towel and putting on her dress then drying her hair off causing it to curl
"Your not the only one doing the bedding ceremony's remember"Rose said Reminded her lacing up the back of Her dress
"Seven hells I completely forgot about it R-rose I'm not sure if I can do that I haven't even kissed a boy much less had you know"Anarella said panicking tears starting to form in her eyes the thought of the bedding ceremony terrified her.(gif)
"Shush it will be fine it is not like he going to make you do anything"Rose said coo. bushing her hair out putting it into a elegant up do.
Anarella was about to reply when a knock echo through the room interrupting her.
"Come in "Anarella said the door opened revealing lady Sansa
"Your mother wanted me to tell you it time for the feast oh and the Lannister just arrived while you were getting ready"Sansa said softly
"Thank you lady Sansa "Anarella said kindly walking out her bedroom door the force shortly arriving at the feast