Softly - One

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Ten days he'd been in intensive care and ten days you'd been by his side.

He was breathing by himself now at least, although his injuries were still incredibly severe. The combination of pain killers he was on, meant that he was doped up to the eyeballs and asleep for the majority of the time. But at least he'd woken up. It had taken five days but he'd woken up. That was something.

You'd been at headquarters helping Penelope when the call had come in from Emily. Spencer, your colleague and boyfriend of two years... fiance really, had been shot. It had been a routine house call, looking for witnesses, but they'd stumbled upon a drug den quite accidentally. Emily had been injured as well, but she was up and had been discharged. Spencer had taken the worst of it. You didn't even listen as they listed his injuries, all you wanted was to see him. And when they'd finally let you into his room after a four hour agonising wait whilst he underwent life saving surgery, you'd been shocked. He was unconscious, looking pale and fragile in a hospital bed, tubes and IVs streaming from his body and a breathing tube in his throat.

You'd fallen to the floor and Derek and Aaron had needed to drag you out of the room, you clinging to your supervisor as you sobbed.

When you finally managed to compose yourself, you'd been allowed back in and had taken up residence by his bed side, not moving for the next ten days.

The nurses were kind and compassionate towards you, and the team kept you well supplied with clean clothes so you didn't have to leave. You slept on a tiny cot the nurses had found and showered in the small bathroom available for families with members in critical conditions. The team took it in turns to sit with you, trying to keep you company and bringing you Spencers favourite books for you to read aloud to him. He may be unconscious but numerous studies had shown that he'd still be able to hear you, Spencer himself would tell you that if he'd been awake.
After five days, he'd stirred and your heart had lifted. He'd coughed and spluttered as the Doctor had removed the tube from his throat, pleased that he was able to breathe by himself. Spencer had croaked out an "I love you" and had fallen quickly asleep again.

Since then, he'd been in out of consciousness, holding lucid conversations with you one moment, and slurring from the morphine the next. He hated being drugged, but he had very little choice given the state he was in.

He'd had to be rushed back into surgery once more two days ago. A piece of bullet that hadn't been removed had shifted inside of him, causing internal bleeding and a build up of fluid in his abdomen. Since then, he'd been back on oxygen. Not a tube down his throat this time, just a mask. But it was scary enough.

You hated this. This wasn't meant to happen.


Ten days he'd been in this bed he'd been told. Ten days. Sometimes he was in pain, sometimes it was like he was floating on a white fluffy cloud.

There were times when it seemed like he was looking down at his body, looking at the beautiful girl who hadn't left his bedside for ten days. The girl who he'd asked to marry him only two months before.

Spencer loved her so much, and her pleas for him to keep holding on were all that was keeping him here, making him fight. His body was weary though. So weary and tired. During the moments he was awake, he relished the feeling of her hand on his, the touch of her soft lips on his forehead. When he was asleep he could still hear her, reading his favourite stories that he knew off by heart, her voice soothing him. She was everything to him.

Yet... He knew. Somehow, he knew.

She wouldn't leave him though, he'd heard the team, his amazing teammates that he loved and adored, they'd all begged her to go home and get some proper rest. But she wouldn't. Sometimes in the night, he'd wake up and see her curled into her a ball on the cot in the corner of the room. Oh, how he longed to crawl next to her and to wrap his arms around her and never let her go.

Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now