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You were buzzing. Spencer had called you moments ago, he’d be home in ten minutes.

He’d been away from you for two weeks. Two whole weeks! You hated it but at the same time, you loved how important his job was, he saved lives for a living, you couldn’t complain about that. The team had gotten home this afternoon and they’d all gone straight into the office to complete their paperwork so that they wouldn’t have to return tomorrow. His colleague Derek was going to drop him off so that he wasn’t going to be further delayed by the bus. Spencer could drive, but he rarely chose to, and you COULD go and pick him up, which you’d offered to, but he didn’t like you coming out of your way and had convinced Derek to bring him home.

Your apartment had been cleaned and you’d swung by his place, using his spare key to pick up some clean clothes for the weekend. He had a few items in a drawer you’d put aside for him, but having some more stuff at yours wouldn’t hurt. It would just be so much more easier if you lived together, but you hadn’t dared suggest it to him yet. It was a big step and you’d not had a roommate since college. But still, you spent all your spare time when he wasn’t on cases at your apartment and he spent more time in your bed than his own.

Hearing the familiar turning of the spare key in your lock, you bounded over to the door, a huge grin spreading over your face.

Seeing Spencer’s smile as he opened the door, you flung your arms around him as he dropped his bag to the floor to embrace you.

“God, I’ve missed you,” he murmured into your hair, squeezing you tightly.

“Spence… Can’t breathe! Too tight!” you gasped out, laughing as he released you.

“Sorry…. I have missed you though, so much.”

“I know, me too. I hate sleeping without you, it sucks. How was the case?”

You studied his face, whilst he was happy, he looked weary; the shadows under his eyes, darker than normal.

“It was a bad one. It didn’t end well.” He never revealed too much about his work. He could if he wanted to, but he’d always said that when you were together, he wanted to focus on happy things. You hugged him again, stroking the back of his neck softly.

“I’m sorry Spence. If you wanna talk….. ”

“I know. Thank you. I’m gonna have a quick shower if that’s okay, then can we maybe watch a film?”

“Sure thing. I ordered the pizza when I knew you were on your way. I’m gonna change into my pj’s too.”

Spencer slunk off into the shower and you went and changed into the pajamas you’d adopted earlier this week. You’d had a bath earlier in the day but had gotten dressed as you weren’t sure whether you’d be picking him up or not.

He came out the living room ten minutes later, loose sleep pants and a Marvel t-shirt on, his hair damp. He looked you up and down, a slight smile playing on his lips.

“That’s my shirt.”

You nodded, lifting the long shirt.

“And my boxers.”

“They were clean ones… It makes me feel closer to you, wearing your stuff when you’re away. I can go and put on a sexy little number if you’d prefer?” you offered.

“I don’t think there’s a sexier sight than seeing you in my clothes… Although I don’t know why I like it so much.” He came and stood behind you in the kitchen where you were fixing you both a drink, whiskey and coke to help you both relax a little.

You giggled and handed him a drink hearing the door buzz. Pizza.

Spencer took both of the drinks through and sat them down as you collected the food from the delivery girl and then joined him on the couch.

“What do you wanna watch?” you asked.


You laughed again. “Don’t be silly. Choose something.”

“Fine! I choose… That programme where you take off the clothes you’re wearing.”

“Eat first. Then cuddle time.”

“And then naked time?” Spencer asked, pouting at you.

“Well I guess now that you’re home, I don’t have to wear your clothes to sleep in.”

His eyes lit up and you smirked. “Later though.”

You both ate, idly channel surfing until you settled on a film that was just beginning. Spencer moved the empty pizza box into the kitchen and then dropped back down next too you, resting his head on your shoulder.

“Can we snuggle now? I’ve missed my Y/N snuggles.”

Nodding, you shifted your position until you were laying flat on your long couch, Spencer laying between your legs and resting his head on your chest, his arms around you. Perfect.

You began stroking his hair softly, loving his soft messy curls that smelt like apples from his shampoo. You’d began to notice more and more of his toiletries creeping into your bathroom, not that you minded. Your apartment was the bigger of the two so it made sense that you spent more time there. And it was only one stop further on the bus for him.

Spencer twitched when you stroked against a particularly sensitive spot on his neck and you adjusted your hand. He had a very sensitive neck and were too full right now for any of THAT. You just needed an hour or so….

“Thanks for fetching some more clothes for me, Y/N. I’ll need to nip back on Sunday at some point though.” Spencer moved his head slightly, squishing your boobs.

“I’ll come with you, I’m not spending a second away until I have too,” you told him.

“Good. Thank you.”

A few minutes later he raised his head to look at you, nerves clouding his eyes.

“Y/N….. ”


“What if…. what if I didn’t have to go home to get my stuff?”

“Well then you’d have nothing to wear, silly. I mean, I can keep washing the clothes that you have got here but…. ”

“No… I meant… Erm. What if, my clothes were all here?” He chewed his lip, his cheeks colouring.

“But then what about all of your other things, your books and stuff.”

“What if they were here too. And your spare key, was just my key. And you didn’t need a spare key to my apartment anymore, because it wouldn’t be my apartment anymore?”


“And I stop being so dumb and understand when you’re asking if we should move into together?” You smiled widely at him.

“That too.”

“I think that that, is the best idea you’ve had all year Spencer Reid.”

“Better than no pants Thursday nights?”

“Way better… And think of the pajamas I could choose from. I’ll have an endless supply of boyfriend shirts on hand.”

“Which you won’t wear to bed when I’m home… Right.”


You felt all warm and gooey inside.

“I promise I won’t wear them to bed when you’re here. When you’re home.”

“Excellent. I will hold you to that promise. So… We’re moving into together. Now to celebrate. And I can think of a perfect way.”

His hands slipped to the buttons of your shirt, well his shirt really, and started undoing them one by one.

“No bra… You really do know how to please me, don’t you?”

Spencer started to kiss down your throat and you let out a happy sigh.

It had been long enough.. And you DID need to celebrate after all.

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