What They Don't Know

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"So spill kid, what's got you in such a good mood today? Did you finally figure out how to solve that math puzzle that was in The Times last week?"

"Nope, but I will figure that out. It's just a matter of time."

You glanced up from your desk giving Spencer a smile. He'd walked into the office this morning whistling, with a huge grin on his face, and had dished out coffee and muffins to everyone.

The whole team had been trying to figure out what was causing him to be in such a good mood, Morgan especially. Derek was becoming increasingly frustrated that his friend wouldn't tell him why he was so happy and you'd been amusing yourself watching their exchanges this morning.

Derek had gone through everything he could think off that would put Spencer in the cheerful state that he was in, before he finally asked what you personally thought was the most obvious question.

"Kid, did you get laid?"

"A gentleman never tells."

Really Spencer. Dead giveaway there, pal. You leaned back in your chair watching Derek's eyes widen and a smirk spreading across his face.

"Reid... Maaaan. Who's the lucky girl then Pretty Boy. It is a girl right?"

Spencer rolled his eyes at Morgan's comment. You knew he hated those jokes. You waited to see what he'd say.

"Yes it was a girl. Well woman actually. A hell of a woman."

Derek slapped Spencer's back the way men did when they were congratulating each other, and you detected a hint of a blush forming on the geniuses cheeks.

"You seeing her again?"

"Erm yes. Tonight actually. I'm cooking her dinner at my apartment." The pride in his voice was a adorable and you had to fight to keep the grin from breaking out all over your face.

"You're actually cooking for a female, in your apartment? Well well well. I might have to stop round and pick up those books you keep offering to lend me."

Reid's face dropped causing Derek to chuckle.

"Morgan, seriously... Please don't. I like this girl a lot and I don't wanna scare her off by having you turning up and interrogating her. If things continue to go well, then you can meet her. When the time is right."

Sensing the anxiousness in Spencer's voice Morgan stopped his teasing.

"Reid, you know I'm jesting. I'm happy for you Kid. Just don't keep her from us for too long. Anyone interesting enough to grab and hold your attention must be pretty special."

"She is."

The two men nodded each other, with Derek clasping Spencer's shoulder firmly before wandering off in the direction of Garcia's office. Spencer dropped down into his chair, shuffling it closer to the desk in front of him, as you quickly typed an email to him.

"So, do need me to bring anything later?"

The reply came back seconds later.

"Just yourself. I'm sorry I couldn't keep it to myself, Y/N."

Awww. He was just so sweet. As well as many other things you were recently discovering.

"Spence, it's fine. They'll find out soon enough anyway, what they don't know right now won't hurt them. Although if anyone knocks on your door this evening, we are NOT answering it. Deal?"


Spencer Reid One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now