So Fucking Ungrateful

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"I can't find my files!" Nathan yelled, from somewhere within the apartment.

"That's because you already put them in the suitcase!"


I chuckled to myself and proceeded to neatly fold my clothes, knowing damn well I'd be far too tired once we would arrive to bother folding them. I'd probably throw them in a wardrobe, and be too lazy after that to bother arranging it only to end up with a monster wardrobe ready to swallow me with its messiness.

Has that ever happened to you? Yup, the power of procrastination.

I wasn't too excited about leaving Pennsylvania because at the end of the day, that's where my parents were but a small part of me was dancing with joy at the idea of returning to New York. It had been so long, there was where I'd truly been my happiest.

It had to have been about a decade since I'd moved away, but the memories still lived with me to this day.

Now, don't get it all twisted up. I'm not trying to imply that I was happy all time while I was there. Heck, I can remember certain nights where I had no choice but to cry myself to sleep, but that could not erase all the wonderful memori-

"Did I, by any chance put my computer charger in the suitcase?" Nathan asked, suddenly appearing beside me as I stood by the bed we shared, robbing me of my thoughts.

I dropped the neatly folded shirt beside my luggage and turned to look at him with a smile, before playfully rolling my eyes. "Nathan," I said as I crossed my arms. "You realise I have to pack as well, right? Why don't you go look?"

He sighed, and dropped his practically  hairless head on my bare shoulder, his long arms snaking around my waist. "I'm tired, that's it."

I sighed and kissed the side of his head, "You should go eat something then, you'll feel better."

He listened and left. Another sigh left my lips and I got to work. Once everything had been packed, I slipped under the shower.

Feeling fresh and clean, I grabbed an old white shirt that most certainly looked like a dress on me, accompanied it with a pair of red shorts, and fixed my hair in twist outs. Nathan was in the shower, so I went to the living room, fixed myself a cup of tea and took a seat on our couch.

I couldn't help but think of what would happen once I left this place. Nathan and I had been together for a good two years. Yeah, that's something, isn't it? Well, the first six to eight months were great, I'm not going to lie. He was the perfect sample of chivalry, and me, I tried my best to be worthy of him.

After long hours of work, every Monday, I'd drag my lazy behind to his apartment. I would cook for the entire week, just so he could come home to find dinner ready for him and wouldn't have to go through the hassle of finding or making food. Usually, he would offer to drive me home after I was done, considering how late I'd finish but then, one day, it stopped.

Now, I'm not a complainer so I didn't say anything, and once I was sure his fridge was filled with enough sustenance for the week, hopped into the metro, prayed to god that I wouldn't die from exhaustion and went home.

It happened once... twice... thrice, but on the fourth time, I thought, maybe he doesn't want you to cook for him anymore and he doesn't have the heart to tell you.

So the week after, I decided to head straight home, and this boy had the audacity to come all the way to my apartment demanding, explanations as to why his fridge was empty. I almost puked my eyes that night.

We almost strangled each other, and decided that it'd be best to end things.

You're probably wondering, well then what the hell are you guys still doing together? Well, on week two, he came over and apologized. He told me that it hadn't been his fault and that he was just stressed over work. He apologized and let me just say, that man is convincing.

A year later, he proposed and here we are, about to move to New York together.

Was Nathan the man of my dreams?

Psh, you wish, an inner voice hissed.

'Quiet,' I told the voice.

Either way, it didn't matter. I was twenty-seven and as pathetic as it might sound, I truly felt that Nathan was my best and last chance at finally getting a happily ever after.

I'm serious! I wasn't getting any younger and although he didn't make me feel the butterflies I had so often heard of when engulfed in a book, he was good to me.

Women would kill for a man like him.

"What are you still doing up?"

I looked up and caught Nathan standing by the door frame that led down the hall. He was dressed in a pair of shorts and a black shirt with the graffiti of a certain band. I believe the name was Journey.

"I was just thinking," I answered, placing the now empty tea mug on the coffee table and pushing myself off the couch.

"It's late, let's go sleep." He told me, and I nodded.

After turning the lights off, and washing my mug, I followed Nathan into our room. I was fixing my pillows when I felt his eyes on me. Glancing at him, I raised a brow.

"What's up? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked after a second, realising he probably wouldn't stop.

"You look good, that's it..." His voice lingered, and I immediately understood what he wanted from me, but I decided to go ahead and play dumb. 

"What are you talking about? How good can you look wearing a granny's shirt and baggy shorts? And don't even get me started on my hair."

He looked at my twists out, and shrugged. "That won't matter in a few seconds." He tried to sound seductive, and I had to give him an A for effort but that voice did nothing to raise my excitement. It sounded like my mom's imitation of MacDonald's fries.

Yes, that bad.

"Not tonight, Nate. I'm tired, and we have a plane to catch tomorrow." I told him as I slipped under the covers. He did the same, and soon, I felt him press himself against my back.

"Come on... It's been a while, now. Our plane's in the afternoon anyways."

"No, Nate. Please. I'm tired."

"You're always like that!" He said, instantly raising his voice and moving away from me. "I'm trying to be understanding even with your... whatever this hairstyle is and you're the one denying me? You're so fucking ungrateful sometimes." And with that, I felt him shift to the other side of the bed.

I didn't bother answering. I was used to his short temper.

Oh, what a long flight it would be to New York.


Thanks to @cactai for editing my very first chapter and being so patient with me! (#4TheWin)

Short, but this is just an introduction to two of the main characters. On top of that, I know it might be a little bit boring at first, pretty please bare with me. Introductions have never been my expertise, but things will get better, I promise! If not, you can throw virtual rocks at my face. Otherwise, what did you think?

Some of you might have noticed that, well, there is no face claim for Arielle. That's because I want to give you guys the opportunity to imagine the person you want as her.

Next chapter on it's waaaaaaaaaay...

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