I have a fan?

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   I entered my house to a strange aroma. "What's that smell?", I asked while covering my nose. "Your little sister just made an invention...", my mom sighed. I have a very sensitive nose. I had it ever since i was little. My parents swore that whenever my mom would fart and u was in the stomach...I'd go on a kicking spree. "But what is it? Is she trying to make perfume for dead people? Trying to bring back the dead? I swear...that smell could take out a whole army of teoops. Why not send it to the navy base", I groaned while going to my room. I shut my door and sprayed febreeze. I laid in my bed and my phone started ringing. It was Justin.

"Hello?", I said

"Hey Spenc"

"hey Justin"

"How's it going over there?"

"Eh, its good. I made it on the softball team"

"Thats awesome. I never thought you would be the sporty type"

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Well i mean, you never seemed interested in them"

"Well yeah i guess"

"So when do you plan on coming to visit down here?"

"Hopefully soon. I have so much stuff to talk about"

"Well that's not a surprise"


"Tasha is calling on the other line. Ill talk to you later Spenc"


I hung up and sighed. Tasha Tasha Tasha. I can never have a normal conversation with Justin anymore...Tasha always somehow comes in ut. I swear just a year ago he couldnt stand her.

  Okay before you start assuming..NO i AM NOT jealous...okay maybe a little, but thats only because Justin is such an amazing guy and Tasha..well...she's just Tasha! Justin can do soo much better.

  Sophie entered my bedroom with her hands behind her back. "If you have another bug or disgusting animal in your hands i advize you to leave...like now", I growled. Everyone gets their fair warning...right? "Its not. I promise", Sophie smiled. She handed me a piece if paper on it. It had a cute little letter and a drawing of an iddly shaped helmet and mitt that looked more like a hand...but its the thought that counts, right?

   "Aww thanks Soph" I smiled. "Im your number one fan! GOOOOOOOOO SPENCERRRRRRRRR", Sophie cheered before leaving the room. I guess that makes up for the foul smelling aroma that has been murdering my nose. I folded the letter up and placed it on my dresser. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Jake. My fingers scrolled through my contacts and clicked on the name 'Jake' with a smiley emoji next to it. She clicked call and waited.

"Hey Spencer"

"Hey Jake, um i was wondering.."

"Go on"

"Um...if you want to hangout or something"

"yeah of course"

"Alright meet me at my house"

"Alright..im on my way"

I hung up and smiled. How could someone be so sweet..how wasnt he influenced by all the snobs? I put on a pair of tights and hoodie. It was a little chilly outside. I walked downstairs and Samantha looked at me and said "Where are you going?" "With my friend", I replied while grabbing an apple from the fruit basket. "Loser friends", Samantha snickered. She doesnt even have friends here so she shouldnt be talking. "Can i meet your friend?", my mom asked while smiling. "Yeah...of course...heh", I said unsurely. What if Samantha says something rude. He'll think i have a weird family. I cant hide forever...can I?

   The doorbell rang and i took a deep breath and opened the door. When Samantha saw Jake her jaw dropped. "You're Spencer's friend? You her friend? Is it like a charity friendship? Like how and why?", Samantha said shocked. "She's unique and sweet. Im guessing you're her older sister?", Jake said while shaking Samantha's hand. "Hi Jake. I'm Spencer's mother and I approve you of dating her", My mom teased while shaking Jake's hand. Jake chuckled and blushed a little. Sophie came down the stairs with her imaginary pooch. "Are you a model?", Sophie asked while looking at Jake. "No...are you? You sure look like one...better yet a princess", Jake smiled. "You really think so?!", Sophie smiled so big and her face glowed. "All you need is a princess gown", Jake smiled. Sophie hugged Jake's legs. He surely won her love. "Well Jake...we should go", I suggested while pulling him out the door. "Bye. Nice meeting you", Jake said to my family before disapearing behind the door. "Sorry about my family...they can sometimes ne a little...different, but they're all really awesome people", I said while putting my hands in my pocket. "I honestly like your family, so much uniqueness in them. If you dont mind...can we go to the mall?", Jake asked. "Of course I dont mind", I said. Why does he want to go to the mall?

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