Chapter 2

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Your P.O.V
"So who is this sean guy anyway?" Talya asks me.
"Dude I told you on the way here that he's some big youtuber guy. I've sent you a video or two that he made." I tell her as we walk to the back of the car.
"Okay, but I never actually watch those." She gives a slight smile.
"I watch them all." Gustavo boast.
"No you don't." Talya crosses her arms.
"Yes I do he says in defense." He crosses his arms back at her.
"Okay kids as much as love to see you two fight about me we need to get these boxes inside." I say rolling my eyes and laughing.
"Fine." they say in unison as they both smile at eachother.
They so like eachother.
"Hello?" I knock on the door.
"Don't you have a key or somthing? Your box's are heavy." Gustavo complains.
"Dude you are literally carrying one box and I'm carrying three." Talya eyes him and I laugh at them.
The door finally opens.
"Hey sean." I tell him as I bring my box's in and set them on the couch.
"Hi. do you need any help bring the boxes in." He offers.
"Yes!" Gustavo smiles
"No. We can do it." I state.
"I'll help anyway." Jack smiles as we all walk out to the car.
We finish bringing my 10 boxes in.
"Anyone want somthing to drink?" Jack offers.
Talya and gustavo both sit on the couch like they own the place. "Yeah water please." Talya says resting her head on gustavo's shoulder and his head on hers. "Same I'm beat." He tells us.
"Alright well here you are." He hands them to them.
Jack sits and I sit next to talya.
"You guys are a cute couple." Jack takes a sip of his water.
"Oh no we ain't a couple." Talya says and gustavo nods.
"Oh..." Jack takes a sip of shame.
" Nah it's cool. Evryone always says that bout gustavo and me or gustavo and talya. But we're just really good best friends." I smile.
"Yeah we're all single." Talya winks at jack and he blushes making all of us laugh
"Yeah about that, are we gonna hit the bar or what? I need to get laid." Gustavo asks.
"Gross dude. Just gross." Talya says.
"Okay like you don't need to" he gives her a look.
"You have a girlfriend?" I ask sean.
"Nah I don't settle down much." He winks at me causing me to blush.
"Dude did you just blush?" Gustavo asks.
"No! No. I don't "blush"." I say crossing my arms. Jack smiles at me. "What?! I don't and I never will. It's probably just the sun. You know I have naturally roseie cheeks." I defend.
"Or you just like me?" Jack offers.
"No." I roll my eyes.
"Really?" He looks me dead in the eyes. I bite my lip. And he raises an eyebrow. And I stop immediately.
"Yes really. So 'really'. So really that I'll invite you to bar night. And do you know what we do at bar night 'sean'? We hook up and have sex so ha!" I say.
"That doesn't prove that you don't like him." Talya states.
"Yes it does it show that I don't like him so much that I invited him to have sex with someone that's not me." I smile proud of myself.
"Okay... well we're gonna go..." Gustavo grabs talya and opens the door.
"Wait-" I try to say.
"Nope bye see ya later!" Talya says as the door shuts.
"Ugh." I storm to my room.
"Wait-" Jack try to say.
"Nope bye see you later!" I say as I slam the door.

Jack's P.O.V
This is why I didn't want to live with a girl. It's not my falt she's hot...
I get up and go to my room to finish editing.
Your P.O.V
I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a Towle. To dry myself up.
I sit on the bed and look around.
I really do like my new room, I mean what's not to like my rooms bigger, the apartment is Bigger, I have to pay the same price as I was paying for the other, and it comes with a hot, sexy, roommate... ugh what am I saying I don't like him and I never will!
I storm off to the closet and open it in anger with myself until I realized all my clothes are still outside in the living room.
"Ugh!! Why me!!" I scream as I make my way to the door and peak my head out looking both was to see if sean was anywhere to be seen.
The coast is clear so I step out and tip toe run to box of clothes on the floor.
I'm almost there... just a little-
"What are you doing?!" I hear
"Ahh!" I jump causing my Towle to fall.
"Well thanks for the show sexy." Jack smirks but I stand my ground sure I'm naked but i love my body so fuck it and fuck him.
I grab the box and Towle and strut to my room stopping next to sean.
"Fuck off." I say and strut to my room. "Stop looking at my ass!" I scream. And shut the door knowing full well he was.
"Sorry!" He yells as I hear him laugh.
I once again sit on the bed and bring my knees to my chest.
That was so embarrassing I say In my mind and hold my head.
I take a deep breath and start unpacking my clothes and choosing one for tonight.
"Woo! Okay done." I smile as I finish putting my clothes away.
Now time to pick an outfit.
Alright somthing sexy, but classy, easy to get out of, but not somthing that look like I'm easy... okay I got this.
~1 1/2 hrs later~
"Done! And with 30 minutes to spare!" I do a little victory dance and check myself out in the mirror.

~1 1/2 hrs later~"Done! And with 30 minutes to spare!" I do a little victory dance and check myself out in the mirror

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I wait to see if I hear jack. I don't he must be getting ready.
I walk outside to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
I hear jacks door open and he comes out looking pretty decent.
"Oh um... wow." He stumbles to say as he stares at me.
"What? do you like my outfit?" I say putting the drink on the table.
"Yeah it's... nice." His neck goes red and he gulps.
"Oh your shirts not buttoned right." I tell him as I walk to him.
"Don't worry I'll get for you." I tell him as I start unbuttoning his shirt one by one.
I look at him and see him staring at me with I slightly open mouth.
He blue eyes looking deep into my (e/c) eyes while I unbuttoned his shirt skimming my fingers on his skin as I went.
I look down only to button it up right.
I stop at the second one and look at Sean with his sexy blue eyes.
He leans in for a kiss and I'm tempted to lean too... but I walk away.
"I told you I didn't like you." I say trying to catch my breath.
"But I thought you finally came around baby." He Kisses my neck and I let out a moan. I feel him smile on my skin.
"We should go." I say as I walk out the door leaving him inside...

Hey guys this was a fun chapter to write I hope you enjoyed it. Leave A comment I read them all and try to reply to them :)
Anyway we'll talk in the next chapter bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss! 😚

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