Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V
" are you sure you can find your apartment?" Gustavo ask.
"Yup! GoodNight" I sing.
"Yeah okay bye." Talya says as I shut the door.
"Woah what's her problem." The stranger says.
"Pfff. I Don't know probably on her period." I laugh as we walk up to my new place.
I open the door and walk in as this man kisses me and I kiss back. I shut the door with my foot.
He places me on the couch and pulls my shirt over my head and onto the ground. As I was doing the same to this guy I hear somthing.
*moan* "oh yeah give it to me daddy!" I hear a girl say.
Maybe they'll hear us and stop.
I throw the guys shirt off and start moaning out loud.
"Ohh! Yeah you feel sooooooo gooood!" I say.
I hear the door open and jack comes out with boxers on but we don't stop kissing.
"Dude what the foackin' hel!" He says angry.
I push the guy off me and stand with my arms crossed.
"What? I can't bring someone home?" I ask.
"No no you can't! At least not when I brought someone!" He yells.
"Um should I go?" The guy asks.
"No!" "Yes"
We say at the same time.
"Im just gonna go..." he grabs his shirt and walks out.
"Ha!" Sean smirks.
"Actually I'm gonna go too..." the Taylor girl say as she rushes to throw her clothes on. As she leaves.
I smirk at him and say "ha."
"Your rediculous!" He tells me.
"Oh really?" I cross my arms.
"Yes! Yes you are! I was doing Taylor and then you come in and have sex on the couch! And very loud sex I might say!"
" oh! We were loud! My ass we were loud! Daddy!!"
"Oh you little-"
"Little wha- oh my god-" i begin to say but then get the sudden urge to throw up.
I run to the restroom covering my mouth and holding my stomach. barley making it to the toilet and keeling by it to barf .
I hear jack fallow me as he holds my hair back.
I was gonna ask why he was doing that but I barfed again.
I wipe my mouth with toilet paper and move to the sink to clean my mouth out.
"Why did you do that?" I ask sean.
"Do what?" He asks.
"Hold my hair back?"
"Because you were barfing." He give a small smile and I give one back.
" well um... thanks." I bite my lip and he noticed it causing me to stop abruptly.
"Brush your teeth and we'll watch a movie on Netflix." He gives me a genuine smile as he walks out.
"Guess he's not a toal dick." I say to myself.
" I herd that!" Jack yells from the other side.
I giggle and blush as I get my toothbrush out.
I put my things away and wash the toothpaste from the sink.
I open the door and stick my head out, hoping Jack wouldn't see me I slip into my room.
I look at myself in the mirror and realise I still only have my bra and a skirt on.
I face palm and slip out of everything and into a long t shirt that lays just above my knees.
I walk out to see jack loading up Netflix.
"So what we gonna watch?" I ask as I jump onto the couch and sit criss-cross next to him.
" I don't know what do you feel like watching? An action movie, a musical, comedy, animation... romance?"
I think for a second...
"Animation" I say as the smell of popcorn floods in "ooo is that popcorn?" I ask excited.
"Yup. Figured you'd want somthing in your stomach." He shrugs and smiles at me.
I blush.
He actually tough of me... he is sweet.
The microwave dings and I jump up to get it.
"I got it!" I tell him.
I pour it into a bowl and take it back.
I'm about to sit when I see jack staring at me mouth slightly open.
"What?" I ask
"Umm... did you... did you forget your pants?" He asks me.
I giggle at him and sit back down, criss-cross again with the bowl in my lap. " no these are my pj's well it's really just a over sized t shirt that I somehow convinced myself to get." I tell him as I eat I handful of popcorn.
He swallowed and faced the TV. "How's Mulan?" He offers.
"Yes! Oh I know all the songs!" I high five myself and jack laughs at me as he clicks play and grabs some popcorn.

Jacks P.O.V
About half way though the movie I felt something hit my shoulder.
I look to see a sleeping (y/n).
I don't know what to do...
I hold her head and place it on the couch as I stand up.
Should I take her to her room? Or just leave her on the couch?
I pick her up and and carry her to her room.
I place her on the bed and put a blanket over her.
She's a cute sleeper...
I smile.
I move her hair away from her face and walk out closing the door behind me.
I click the TV off and flop onto my bed.
I'm so tired... (sleep)
Where am I...
I'm brought to a hallway with a door at the end.
What the fuck??
I get goosebumps throughout my body as I make my way to the door.
I open it... it's my apartment but there's no furniture.
"Hello??... (Y/n)??" I call out
"Sean! Your home!" I see (y/n) pop out of the corner.
She runs and jumps on me.
"Oh baby I missed you." She leans in and kisses me... And I kiss back until I gain hold on myself and pull away.
"Woah. Woah I'm not one to say no to a kiss but why are you kissing me?" I ask very confused at the moment.
"Oh Sean your so silly, were in love!" She leans in again and attempts to kiss me but I push her off.
"No! No we are not! I'm Sean i don't "fall in love" okay!? That's just ridiculous and I don't know what gave you that idea but i don't love you!" I turn my back to her "I don't love anyone..." I hold my head trying to get hold of the situation when I hear sobbing.
I turn around to see her huddled on the floor hugging her knees She's crying... I didn't mean to make her cry...
I walk to her and kneel down before her, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry... but I don't love... I cant." I hang my head as my hand slides off her shoulder and she stands up.
"But- but sean please..." she begs as she grabs hold of somthing.
It a... a gun.
"Wait (y/n) don't do it please!" I try to plead.
"Why don't you love me?" She says softly.
"I can't won't love anyone it's just me okay" I try to convince her.
"Sean I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." she sobs as she pulls the trigger.
I see the bullet in front of me turning with speed towards me.
Terror fell over me as it gets so close and just as I feel the bullet hit my chest everything disappears.
I'm startled awake from my mind.
Sweat running down my face, I'm breathing hard.
"What the fock..." I say as I flop my head back onto the pillow. I reach over to my night stand and check the time on my phone.
There is no way I'm going back to sleep. I'll just edit some videos I guess.
I get out of bed and and throw some pants on making my way to my recording room.
I hate sleep anyway...

Hey guys! How was the chapter?
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while but I just took a break from writing for a little bit because I had summer school then Pokémon go came out so my life was consumed XD!
Anyway I'm back to writing so no worries I'll try to get chapters to you as fast as I can thanks for sticking by!
We'll talk in the next chapter! bye ya lovely person! Ai-yoss 😚

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