Chapter 17~At The Mall With The Boys, Pt 1

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I am soooooo sorry I haven't updated In for ever!!!!!!!! I got my phone updated and my wattpad app wouldn't work and I have school and ya! 2 weeks ago was homecoming and it was amazing!!!oh and this week on Halloween my grade (sophomores woot woot) get to do a haunted house thing called spooky stage  with 6th graders and our theme is the first episode of Walking Dead and I am a Guide((b/c the kids can't get touched so the guides/sophomores get taken away) and I get to scream and get eaten by a zombie!!!! yay!!!

anyways, ya omg I have a VIP ticket to the IM5 workshop in Atlanta on November 2nd!!! so excited!!only like 5 days until November 2nd!!

also, follow my newest account @risingstarz123 on twitter! we do interviews and stuff with people like im5!!

anyways I hope u like this chapter!

thanks! bye! sorry again for not updating idk what is wrong with me!!!

~emily S.


Emily's POV:

I sat up on my bed and decide to go to Starbucks. so I get up and go to my closet and pick out a black skull shirt that has the sleeves cut off and red jean shorts. I grab a red, white, and black snapback that says"IM5" on it(I stole it from Dana) and put on some black converse high tops that reach up to my knees(the ones that Dalton have always wanted). I go and brush my hair and teeth and put some make up on. My hair as wavy and actually looked nice so I didn't do anything to it. I get my wallet and walk out of my room.

The boys were down stairs sitting on the couch. When I came down I saw all of them blush from what I said earlier about the sleep talking about me. I was about to walk out the door when Cole stopped me saying " Wait, Emily, where are you going?"

I looked at him and said " I am going to Starbucks!" then I turned around to the boys and said "see you later!" and opened the door. then Cole stopped me again saying "wait can wee have your phone number is case we need to call you?" I turned to him and said" What do you mean? I don't own a phone." suddenly all the boys stood up and said in unison "WHAT YOU DON'T OWNA PHONE???"

I looked at them with a confused and sort of shock kind of expression. They all had their jaws dropped open, looking as if someone just died in front of them. Will shouted at me " HOW CAN YOU NOT HAVE A PHONE?? HAVE YOU EVER LIVED BEFORE??? HOW CAN YOU SURVIVE WITHOUT ONE??" I looked at him blandly saying, "easy; whenever I need to look up something, I go to the library and when I want to talk to someone I do this thing called talking face to face with someone." I was using hand motions while speaking acting like I was talking to a 4 year old.

Gabe gasped, "Do you even know what the internet is? or even twitter?" I mentally face palmed myself while looking down. I looked at him saying" I am not that old fashion. yes, I know what the internet is and I know what twitter is, but I don't have one." "Oh my god!" Gabe said.

Dana punched Gabe in the arm saying" oh shut up Gabe, you aren't on twitter ever anyways!"

Dalton grabbed my arm and said "that's it! We are all going to the mall to get you a phone! no discussion about it! let's go!" Cole grabs the Car keys and opens the front door and Dalton forces me outside the door.

"Wait, but I was going to go to Starbucks!!! I don't need a phone! besides I don't have enough money for one!" I tried arguing, which was pointless since it was 5 boys against 1 girl.

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