Let Us Go Back In Timee

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Hi my name Is J'mia but, you can call me Mia

I just moved to Alabama from Atlanta because my momma got a new job but,im eleven years old. I am going to be going to a new school but im kind of scared.

*Quita is Mia's mom*

Quita- Get ready for school sweetheart

Mia-Ma im scared what of nobody talk to me,what if they judge me badly or bully me

Quita-Haters gon' hate hun now go get ready and hurry we already 5 minutes late

I took a shower last night but just to smell fresh I took a ten minute shower.

I put on my red Areopostle tank-top and my black shorts with my red and black nikes

(this was a long time ago kind of).

I put on my black pearl necklace and earring set and some lopgloss(she was only 11 so uea she dressed that way.).


My mom and I walked in the building I was squeezing her hand tight I was so nervous I mean I am just starting middle school Im going to be twelve in two months and im holding my momma's hand like im five.

??-Hi im the secertary Ms.Lowes how can I help you.

Quita-Um its my daughter first day the should've sent the papers from the school in Atlanta.

Ms.Lowes-O Yes Ms.J'mia Richards


Ms.Lowes-Well we will have one of our students come to show you your classes she or he will show you around for the rest of the week

Me-yes mam'

(Bunny pov)

Hey im Bunny evrybody calls me Bunny because if they say my real name I won't answer but anyway im eleven its my first year of middle school by the way I live in Alabama but im from Texas my intermediate family and I moved to Alabama the rest of my family already lived here I moved here when I was one and a half.

The secertary Ms.Lowes called me down to show some new kid around im happy to so I can be out of that classroom ughh here we go

I seen a chubby girl with long curly hair and she was darkbrown skinned she was pretty I knew we were going to be great friends im super popular for a middle school freshman.

Me-"Hey Ms.Lowes is this the girl im going to show around." I asked smiling

Ms.Lowes-"Yes it is Ms.Angram This is Ms.Richards" (she said pointing to the girl.)

"and this is Ms.Angram" (she said pointing to me).

Me- Im Bunny

??-Im J'mia but please call me Mia

Me-Okaee well lemme see your schedule,you say bye to your momma,and we can get going.

OFF THE LEASH(REMAKE)...(Rich Homie Quan&& August Alsina)©Where stories live. Discover now