Get Out

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She lucky my kids upstairs cause I told her bout' calling me a bitch I was sleepy so I gave Shay a kiss and told her imma see her later she went home or where ever she went.

I went up stairs took a shower put on some boxers and went in Bunny room.She was still up watching t.v. and when I walked in she rolled her eyes.I just laughed I layed down beside her and watched t.v. she cut the t.v. off and turned her back to me.



Me-I was watching t.v.

Bunny-Go downstairs

Me-I don't feel like getting up

Bunny-Ok well you can turn the t.v. on yourself

Me-Just turn the t.v. on

Bunny-Get the remote from off of the table

Me-Thankyou damn'

Bunny-I should slap you

Me-My face right here

Bunny-*Slapped Me*

Me-Why the fuck you do that for

Bunny-You said yo face was right there and my hand connected to it

Me-I should slap yo ass back

Bunny-Do it

Me-Okaee I ainee playin' I slap all my babymommas

Bunny-I ainee yo other babymommas if you slap me yo face gone be fvcked up

I raised my hand like I was go slap her then I put my hand down and tapped her face

Bunny-O okaee I see you ainee slap me

Me-whateva imma slap you one day

Bunny-Goodnight August

Me-Why you always call me August my other babymommas got other names for me

Bunny-I do got a name for you

Me-What is it


Me-Don't call me fvcking bitch nomore or imma beat yo ass for real

Bunny-August you is a B-I-T-C-H

Me-*Slap Bunny*

Bunny-Bitch you just slapped me

She punched me in the face two times and started choking me I pushed her off of me

Bunny-August Get Out

Me-What you mean get out

Bunny-Get out my room you slapped me

Me-I told you to stop calling me a bitch and after I slapped you punched me and my face twice and choked me

Bunny-Get out my room


She was crying and eventually she cried herself to sleep I kissed her cheek and went to sleep .


I had to tell Mia that I got another child besides the one she met and the one she had by me.


Mia-Sup Baee

Me-Uhmm I gotta anotha child she one

Mia-Wait so you cheated on me

Me-Yea but,I ainee mean to me and August went to the club and I met her it was a one nightstand she got pregnant,they did a test it was mine and her name Ja'Quaylyn

OFF THE LEASH(REMAKE)...(Rich Homie Quan&& August Alsina)©Where stories live. Discover now