Parties & California

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My baby had a huge party  it was drama free.

Then Bunny was like that her and the kids going to California

Bunny-Me and my liddo ones going to California for a vacation

Mia&Me-I wanna come

Bunny-Yaw are always welecome to come but we leaving tomorrow,&we driving to Atlanta to catch the plane so yaw might wanta get packed now.


We got packedd the party was over a hour ago we were now driving to Atlanta.


We was on the plane and the kids was sleep it was just Me,Mia,&Bunny on the plane Twist,August,and Quan left as soon as the party was over the catch they flight to california we ainee going to California because of them though..we going because Bunny is a hairstylists and she got some clients up there and she want to move up there.


This to go be my first time being in California.

Ja'Quan want his daddy his daddy go be in California to but I ainee gone tell my liddo man that.Quan got too many kids and my child ainee bouta comee last my child already come second to the fame.Quan is all about money.I love him but,he needs to change or he will never see my son again.Bunny was telling me about  going to take pictures with models cause she doing they hair ofcourse I wanta take a picture with Tyra Banks we in California now at .We staying in Los Angelos at The Penisula Beverly Hills Hotel.We all got Queen sized rooms


I love coming to California I posted a picture of us when we got off of the plane on Instagram with a caption that said "Finally In Cali".August called me...


August-What yaw doin in California

Me-Ona vaction duh

August-Where my kids

Me-Oh my liddo ones right here sleep

August-Where Yaw At

Me-The Penisula Beverly Hills Hotel

August-Im coming to get yaw

Me-Sorry no can do we payed for 4 nights then we switching hotels and plus Mia and Mac and they kids here too

August-That's not my problem im coming to get You and My Kids

Me-You must go pay me for the money I spent for this exspensive ass hotel


Me-Bye August,We finna get ready

* phone convo over *

I got me and my kids ready I Told Mia and Mac I was finna go 10 minutes later August came and got us.

*August House*



August-My other kids in there and my other babymomma/girlfriend

Me-Oh okaee so do yaw got a guest room for me and my kids causee we coulda stayed at the hotel

August-Yea we got a guest room and no yaw couldn't stay at that hotel

Me-Yea we go keep our stuff in the car cause my car go be here tomorrow .

August-Bunny don't start ackin like that

OFF THE LEASH(REMAKE)...(Rich Homie Quan&& August Alsina)©Where stories live. Discover now