chapter 2

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Amber felt something deep within her explode as Tarek’s firm mouth touched hers. At first gentle, almost tentative; his tongue smoothly parting her full lips as he explored the moist warmth within, while his hands framed her waist, pushing her gently back against the wall of the elevator.  With a muffled groan he pulled her closer, so that her lower body came into contact with his arousal. Amber pulled away from his kiss as she felt him hardening against her feminine softness, her wide blue eyes darkening as he rocked her pelvis against his. She bit down on her lip to stop herself crying out at the unbelievable pleasure of his touch, and Tarek’s mouth returned to torment her further with a kiss of such ardour that Amber actually felt her knees give way. Her small hands tangled in the dark silk of his hair and then down against the smooth silk of his shirt and emboldened by his husky words of encouragement she eagerly undid one of the buttons and slipped her hand inside to caress his broad, hair-roughened chest. “Yes! Touch me,” he gasped as her fingers raked across his chest to encircle his flat male nipple.

 “Tarek” she murmured against his lips, “I want…so much…I need”. 

“Tell me what you want, hayeti” he husked over come with need for the beautiful creature in his arms. Tarek’s mouth moved along the length of her Amber’s neck planting kisses across her collarbone, she felt her nipples harden against the soft fabric of her dress as one tanned hand cupped the softness of her breast. She moaned in delight as his long fingers caressed the sensitised bud through the black silk.

 “Don’t stop please” she begged him and he replaced his hand with the heat of his open mouth as he suckled her through the thin silk.  The sound of the elevator doors opening managed to break through Amber’s moans of delight and the sexy fog around his head cleared as Tarek tore himself away from Amber’s breast only to wrap his arm around her waist and drag her out of the elevator, across the hall and outside onto the street where a sleek black Bentley was waiting at the kerb.

Once outside the cool evening air brought Amber to her senses as she took in the uniformed driver standing holding the door of the car open, “Oh my God,” she gasped out, her hands flying to her mouth “What am I doing? What are we doing?” she looked wildly up at Tarek. “I only just met you and then…Oh God in an elevator! What must Sara have thought? And Aristide? I must have gone mad” she rambled on in horror.

Tarek could not believe his ears. Never in his life had a woman reacted to his advances with outrage! Yes it had been madness to grab at her and drag her from the party, just to…. Tarek felt the heat of embarrassment darken his perfect cheekbones.  He was Tarek Al Rashid, Crown Prince of Mahran and always in control. Yet he had been so crazy for her that had felt compelled to take her in an elevator! But the way Amber was reacting was beginning to annoy him, she was a confident, sophisticated western woman, and here she was acting like an outraged Mahranese virgin!

“I apologise,” he began stiffly, “I did not believe that my attentions were uninvited” and then when Amber continued to stare at him in silence, his pride overcame his desire to apologise, “Oh for heaven’s sake Amber it was just a kiss, and you were with me every step of the way! If I hadn’t pulled back I could have had you in the elevator without much effort. You’re obviously experienced enough to know that so drop the outraged virgin act!” Tarek continued with a dismissive wave of his hand, conveniently forgetting that the same kiss had turned him inside out with lust for the beautiful woman who stood opposite him on the London pavement.

Amber’s initial feeling of mortification that Tarek had not only apologised for the kiss that had so affected her but then had dismissed it as being nothing important was immediately edged out by the wave of anger at his high handed manner and slur on her own reputation.

 “You arrogant pig! I didn’t ask to be manhandled out of my friend’s home only to be groped in an elevator by some overbearing Arab with no sense of propriety!” She yelled at him.  Amber’s temper while slow to stir once unleashed was formidable. “I have never been so insulted in my whole life… You think you could have had me, do you?” her glorious blue eyes snapped aquamarine fire at him as her slender body quivered with rage. “In your dreams Mr Al Rashid!”

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